Thursday, June 11, 2020

Rant thoughts on racism

Since I know very few people will actually read this especially since my grammar is horrible.  With everything going on I have to get this off my chest so here I go.  I am so sick of people saying racism is something in the past and not that prevalent now.  Wrong I remember in 1988 (hey that was only 32 years ago) how white supremacist murdered a man in Portland Oregon.  We forgot that it was only 6 years ago that a Georgia school finally had an official non-segregated prom.  The same students that in the 1960's that were screaming at African American students trying to integrate schools are now the parents and grandparents of our current generations.  Yes, some may have changed their beliefs but not all did, and they taught that hate to their children.  I know things have gotten better but there is still a hidden and not so hidden groups of what I allow my children to call racists big dummies.  I get mad about racism since I come from a family of mixed-race people and none are adopted all are blood relation.  Between my husband and I, we have Asian, Jewish, African American, Hispanic, and Native American relatives.   What also makes me mad is around the time I publish this will be near my 20th wedding anniversary and had we gotten married in the late 40's or slightly into the 50's would not been allowed to get married because it was illegal for a couples of different races to marry.  As my husband is genetically Native American (yes, we know this for a fact), and it was illegal in our state until 1951 for whites marry non-whites including Native Americans.  Before you think I am only talking about white racists I have met people of different races that are racist also, so it does not matter racists are jerks we are all God's children. I am a people watcher and I have seen white supremacy in my community and since it is not my story to tell I will not give details but I have had friends and family that have experienced horrible treatment and some just snide comments due to their race in our community.  I have seen white pride flaunted and it is sad and horrible.  No race is above another but we as human beings cannot put our heads in the sand when others think they are better than others just because of how little or how much more pigment they have in their skin.  Just because you have not experienced or have seen racism does not mean it does not exist this not like the tooth fairy it is there just some are blessed not have had that happen to them.  If you are a former racist good I am glad you have seen the light and no longer are one of those jerks and I will be your friend but if you are a currently racist jerk I will treat you with God's love but we will not be friends.  I cannot be friends with someone who thinks my family is worth less than others due to the amount of pigment in their skin.  If you read this just remember this is my thoughts and rants.  So just remember your experiences are not someone elses.

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