"Fire Road" by Kim Phuc Phan Thi is the memoir of the woman who as a child who after being being burned by a napalm bomb a iconic Vietnam war picture was taken. It not only talks about her childhood before and after the bombing but her adulthood also her faith. What a powerful book on forgiveness and the peace that comes from it. Her story is so powerful and I will admit hard to read. The physical and even the emotional pain the author survived is just mind blowing. When I first seen this picture in high school I did believe she could survive what happened. So to read her story on what happened afterwards was just mind blowing. I just don't know what else to say but I highly recommend it.
I was given this book from Tyndale Publishers for free and was not required to give a positive review.
A blog about books and whatever else comes to my mind.
Thursday, December 28, 2017
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Education A La Carte by Dr. Kevin Leman
"Education A La Carte" by Dr. Kevin Leman is a book where the author talks about choosing the best schooling for your child. This book was interesting in one point it gave some decent advice and information on helping find the right path for your child. However at other times it seemed to focus so much on your child having to be the best and go to college. Well that is not true for everyone some are not going to college and will still be wonderful Christian people. It read also like one of those books that say if you don't do it my way you will fail and are wrong no matter what. Our focus as Christian's is for our children to lay a foundation of not just education but of faith if that may be there as a youth or it may not be there until they are older. This book was just not encouraging for m e and I just can't recommend this book.
I was given this book from Revell a division of Baker Publishing group for free and was not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from Revell a division of Baker Publishing group for free and was not required to give a positive review.
Hurt Road by Mark Lee
"Hurt Road" by Mark Lee his story and how God set Mark Lee's path in ways he would not have chosen. You may not know the name Mark Lee but if you are a fan of the Christian band Third Day then you know his music. Truthfully I am not a big fan of Third Day but I do enjoy some of their music. So I was interested in learning more about one of their band leaders. Mark Lee does have an interesting life while in points it is average like every other persons life. This was an interesting look at his life and if you a fan of Third Day or his then I recommend it.
I was given this book from Revell a division of Baker Publishing for free and was not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from Revell a division of Baker Publishing for free and was not required to give a positive review.
Friday, December 1, 2017
Tora Fright Patches Things Up by Tracey Madder
"Tora Fright Patches Things Up" by Tracey Madder is a children's book is about forgiveness. This was a cute little kids book that encourages forgiveness with an emphasis on siblings. The story is about Tora a little girl monster who makes a special award winning art project that gets broken by her little brother. Her mom helps her while discussing how Jesus wants us to forgive others. The artwork is so cute and colorful you just want to look at it regularly. I so recommend this book as it is a very cute and wonderful book to teach little kids God's forgiveness.
I was given this book from Tyndale Blog Network for free and was not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from Tyndale Blog Network for free and was not required to give a positive review.
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Henry by Katrina Shawver
"Henry" by Katrina Shawver is a book about Henry a polish swimmers life and friendships from Auschwitz to America. What a powerful book, yes, books from Holocaust survivors are almost always powerful but this one was different. Why do I say different as the author writes what Henry reveals to her and he did not hold back anything he seen even pictures he had. Some of the things this man had seen and told about I had no idea about as I had not heard about them such as the women that were made to be prostitutes for some of the prisoners. The horror that people put other people thru is just horrible but this book is a must read. It may be hard to read for older teens but if they are studying on World War 2 that they need to read it. I highly recommend this book just know it is graphic and open and honest.
I was given this book from NetGalley for my honest review and was not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from NetGalley for my honest review and was not required to give a positive review.
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
The Wisdom of God by A.W. Tozer
"The Wisdom of God" by A.W. Tozer is a book about God's wisdom and not our own wisdom. This book was a very interesting study on God's wisdom. One section I really enjoyed was when it talks about how we don't recognize when the hand of God is working behind the scenes in our lives. I have personally experienced this as I can so tell his hand was working in my life when I look back to parts of my life. I also enjoyed the reminder that there is the way we look at ourselves is different than how God sees us. I really enjoyed this reminder of God's wisdom and not man's wisdom. This was an encouraging, uplifting and educational book and I highly recommend it.
I was given this book from Bethany House for my honest review and was not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from Bethany House for my honest review and was not required to give a positive review.
Martin Luther In His Own Words by Jack D. Kilcrease and Erwin Lutzer
"Martin Luther In His Own Words" by Jack D. Kilcrease and Erwin W. Lutzer is a compilation of some of Martin Luther's most important writings. As with all of Luther's reading it is a mind challenging book to read. However it is on the short side but a great intro to Luther's writings. This book was a so so for me as some of it is only part of his writings and then others are complete works. However I still recommend it especially for someone who is just starting into Martin Luther's writings.
I was given this book from Baker Books for my honest review and was not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from Baker Books for my honest review and was not required to give a positive review.
Monday, November 13, 2017
The Build by Paul Teutul Jr.
"The Build" by Paul Teutul Jr. this is his book about his whole life not just about his life with Orange County Choppers. I will admit I have no idea why I chose this book to read but I am glad I did. I was never a big fan of Orange County Choppers as I used to think the drama on the show was faked as no-one would be that verbal abusive on camera. Well thanks to reading this book I found out I was wrong. Paul Jr is really honest about everything that happened in his life including the verbal and emotional abuse his dad put him thru all his life. However he writes about it while still keeping a level of respect for his dad that most would never give their abuser. He also talks about his faith in Christ and how that has changed his life and his attitude toward life. I recommend this book not just for Orange County Chopper fans but anyone as it is not so much about that but about a Christian man coming from an abusive home and following the Lord.
I was given this book from Blogging for Books for my honest review and not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from Blogging for Books for my honest review and not required to give a positive review.
Monday, October 30, 2017
Controversial thoughts on abuse
Now this subject is going to be controversial so if you don't want toes crunched or sacred cow beliefs killed then skip this post. Buffer Photo is from my trip back in April from Arizona.
In last few weeks I had read a book about women and aggression it really was a very good book. It would be an eye opener for some. Our society in whole Christian and non-Christian seems not to believe that women can be sex offenders or even abusers. Or if they are it is a new phenomenon. Well it is not I know and have known of women in history (one as the early 1900's) that were abusive to men and were/are sex offenders. Why do I bring this up? For one reason I am sick and tired of people saying well I can't trust a man or young boy to watch my kids as they might abuse my child. Well I personally remember an ex of mine telling me his first sexual experience was as a child by his female babysitter. His story is one reason I automatically don't trust female babysitters. Also I had a sex offender list from one of my previous communities and on that list was a 16 year old girl her victim was a toddler. As long as there has been sin in the world women are just as capable of the same horrific things we hear/believe men do. And why is it we automatically believe a man has been a physical abuser of his spouse but we don't believe that a women can be an abuser. I also knew of a women who severely beat her boyfriend at the time and was known as man beater. Society normally laughs at the male victim or doesn't even believe him but will almost always believe and comfort the female victim. As a mother of 4 boys I am sick of the attitude that because they are male they are automatically going to be abusers or sex offenders. If we are going to have this attitude with men then we need to have it with women also. Abuse is abuse no matter what the sex is of the abuser and we should treat all victims with help and grace. There is women shelters but you don't here much about men shelters mainly because it is still an embarrassment for men to come forward after being abused. Some don't get a chance to come forward until there girlfriend or wife kills them. Women have a tendency to get away with it more as we still hold the adage of how gentle and sweet they are well I think that is baloney. Some of the most back-biting and nasty people I have met are women and some of the most caring and thoughtful people I have met are men. We need to just remember that these types of sins is in all people not just men.
In last few weeks I had read a book about women and aggression it really was a very good book. It would be an eye opener for some. Our society in whole Christian and non-Christian seems not to believe that women can be sex offenders or even abusers. Or if they are it is a new phenomenon. Well it is not I know and have known of women in history (one as the early 1900's) that were abusive to men and were/are sex offenders. Why do I bring this up? For one reason I am sick and tired of people saying well I can't trust a man or young boy to watch my kids as they might abuse my child. Well I personally remember an ex of mine telling me his first sexual experience was as a child by his female babysitter. His story is one reason I automatically don't trust female babysitters. Also I had a sex offender list from one of my previous communities and on that list was a 16 year old girl her victim was a toddler. As long as there has been sin in the world women are just as capable of the same horrific things we hear/believe men do. And why is it we automatically believe a man has been a physical abuser of his spouse but we don't believe that a women can be an abuser. I also knew of a women who severely beat her boyfriend at the time and was known as man beater. Society normally laughs at the male victim or doesn't even believe him but will almost always believe and comfort the female victim. As a mother of 4 boys I am sick of the attitude that because they are male they are automatically going to be abusers or sex offenders. If we are going to have this attitude with men then we need to have it with women also. Abuse is abuse no matter what the sex is of the abuser and we should treat all victims with help and grace. There is women shelters but you don't here much about men shelters mainly because it is still an embarrassment for men to come forward after being abused. Some don't get a chance to come forward until there girlfriend or wife kills them. Women have a tendency to get away with it more as we still hold the adage of how gentle and sweet they are well I think that is baloney. Some of the most back-biting and nasty people I have met are women and some of the most caring and thoughtful people I have met are men. We need to just remember that these types of sins is in all people not just men.
Getting The Gospel Right by R.C. Sproul
"Getting The Gospel Right" by R.C. Sproul is about making sure we have the right gospel and not just going by what others have said or have done. This book is a really good one if you are interested in learning where Catholics and Protestants differ on their belief. R.C. Sproul does not hold back or sugar coat the differences. This book is a great read for this year on the 500th anniversary of the Reformation started by Marten Luther it is very in depth so don't expect an easy read. I highly recommend it. But be warned if you are of the belief that Catholics believe the exact same way as Protestants then this book is not for you.
I was given this book from Baker Books for my honest review and was not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from Baker Books for my honest review and was not required to give a positive review.
The Christmas Blessing by Melody Carlson
"The Christmas Blessing" by Melody Carlson is about Amelia and her baby coming to meet her in-laws that don't even know she or the baby exist after the death of her husband. Without giving away too much in the story this book was your typical bad situation unexpected people, anger and happy ending story at Christmas time. This book does take place during World War II so a lot of what happens in it did happen a lot to women back then. It was an interesting book but just not for me as I am not a fan of your Hallmark channel Christmas books. However, if that is your style I still recommend it as it a sweet story.
I was given this book from Revell publishing for free and was not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from Revell publishing for free and was not required to give a positive review.
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
The Crown, The Official Companion by Robert Lacey
"The Crown - The Official Companion Volume 1" by Robert Lacey is the companion book to the series The Crown. This book not only gives us pictures and insight about the first season of Netflix's series the Crown about the years of modern Queen Elizabeth's reign. This book was an excellent book of information and pictures of the series combined with true history and photos from the actual time of the series. I really enjoyed the tv series and like reading about the royal family and this book did not disappoint at all. What a book to show a great comparison of the tv version and the real life history. It was a wonderful book and I highly recommend it.
I was given this book from Blogging for Books for free and was not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from Blogging for Books for free and was not required to give a positive review.
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Fliers by Nathaniel Russell
"Fliers" by Nathaniel Russell is a book of posters with funny thoughts and pictures on them. This is not just a book but fun posters that you can hang up in your house. What is really neat is the cover is a picture of a telephone pole that you can put on your wall and then add the posters to it. These are not thin paper poster these are really think and nice. My favorite poster is the feeling tired, let the world be your futon with a picture of a guy sleeping next to a wall. I highly recommend this fun book of posters for a fun read or for decoration for your home.
I was given this book from Blogging from books for free and was not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from Blogging from books for free and was not required to give a positive review.
Saturday, September 30, 2017
All She Left Behind by Jane Kirkpatrick
"All She Left Behind" by Jane Kirkpatrick is a fictional novel based on the real woman Jennie Pickett from Oregon in the 1870's. Just like previous Jane Kirkpatrick's novels this one takes a real person and what information we know about the person and adds a logical but still fictional story about the person's life. This story is so interesting and sad to read. The novel has spousal abuse, unlikely love, dreams coming true, heartbreak of a child and women doing things that were not the normal in that day and age. The main part of the story I really enjoyed was that God's path for our lives is not always the path we would choose but it can be such a blessing even though it is hard. I just don't want to give away too much of the story especially if you don't know who Jennie Pickett is. I highly recommend this books.
I was given the book from Revell a division of Baker Publishing Group for free and not required to give a positive review.
I was given the book from Revell a division of Baker Publishing Group for free and not required to give a positive review.
Friday, September 29, 2017
Tokyo Street Style A Coloring Book by Zoe de las Cases
"Tokyo Street Style - A Coloring Book" by Zoe de las Cases is a coloring book about the fashion Tokyo. Just like the New York one it's focus is on the fashion than the people themselves. This one was very interesting as it had not only modern Tokyo fashion but pictures of traditional clothing. It is on nice thicker paper that holds up well to coloring. The one thing that does bug me about this coloring book is that the pictures are double sided which I am not a fan of other than that its great. I highly recommend this fun book if you are interested in coloring Tokyo fashion style.
I was given this book from blogging for books for free and not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from blogging for books for free and not required to give a positive review.
These Healing Hills by Ann H. Gabhart
"The Healing Hills" by Ann H. Gabhart is about Francine Howard who when she finds out her boyfriend is coming home from the war (World War 2) with a English girlfriend decides to become a mountain nurse in the Appalachians. As typical with Christian fiction novels it is also a romance book. However the romance was a good part of the story but not sickening that I could not stand it. It was an interesting story that also dealt with how people see and treat people from the backwoods of the Appalachians. I really enjoyed Francine's character as she not only did not believe the stereotypes of the locals but she broke the stereotype of the type of person the locals thought she was. It was a good book on not judging others on where they come from. It was an interesting story that I did enjoy so I do recommend it.
I was given this book from Revell a division of Baker Publishing for free and was not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from Revell a division of Baker Publishing for free and was not required to give a positive review.
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Becoming Mom Strong by Heidi St. John
"Becoming Mom Strong" by Heidi St. John is not your typical Christian how to be a mom book. What do I mean? Well the author does not say if you do this formula as a parent your kids will be the perfect Christian kids and it will be an easy life. Nope she keeps us real and keeps reminding us that our children need grace just like we do and that none of us is perfect. This book was such a nice refreshing book in a sea of the perfect Christian mom and instagram mom advice/expectations that is out there. Normally these type of books really bring me down as I don't fit stereotypes seriously most people if they seen me on the street would probable run or think that lady is crazy (ok maybe I am) but this book really reminded me my identity is in Christ not what cliques want me to be. So many chapters I just can't pick a favorite what a refreshing book that did not hold a standard that we are never going to be able to reach. I highly recommend this book as I know I will be re-reading it when I need an uplifting mom book.
I was given this book from Tyndale Publishers for free and was not required to give a positive review.
Friday, September 22, 2017
Of God and Men by A.W. Tozer
"Of God and Men" by A.W. Tozer is a book with quick little chapters that breakdown false religion ideas and brings up the true New Testament Christian church. This is one easiest books of Tozer's I have ever read. The chapters are quick reads on false things we shouldn't be or should be focused on for example there is a chapter on how no Christian should feel resentment. This book would be good as a devotional and going deeper in the scriptures yourself for each chapter. Very good book and I highly recommend it.
I was given this book from Moody Publishers for free and not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from Moody Publishers for free and not required to give a positive review.
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
New York Street Style "A Coloring Book" by Zoe de las Cases
"New York Street Style: A Coloring Book" by Zoe de las Cases is a coloring book about New York street style fashion. This is a fun coloring book that is not about the people but the fashion of the normal person in New York. Now I may not seem like the person to like fashion which high fashion I am not a fan but the everyday person's style interests me. New York has such a unique street style that this coloring book shows which is really cool because you get to choose the colors and add your own flare if you want to. The paper is not a thin paper it is a thicker paper so that makes it nice to color. I highly recommend this book as a fun coloring book.
I was given this book from Blogging for Books for free and was not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from Blogging for Books for free and was not required to give a positive review.
More Than Just Making It by Erin Odom
"More Than Just Making It" by Erin Odom is a very good memoir and about your finances when you are at the end of your rope. This book was so powerful and good especially being honest and up front on how the church treats the poor. The author does a really good job on explaining on how if we really need the help from the government we shouldn't be embarrassed or treat others bad for it. I really also enjoyed how the author explains that churches in America today are not very good at helping or treating the poor with respect. One of her examples was a great one which was instead of having a bible study to help our poor members at a coffee shop (most never go because they can't afford it) have one at a Laundromat. I really understood what the author was trying to explain on how can treat the poor better in our churches. I also completely understood her feelings of inadequacy at church as my family has been at the extreme poverty levels before and we noticed people did not know how treat us when they found out our income levels. This was a very powerful book and I highly recommend it.
I was given this book from Net Galley for free and was not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from Net Galley for free and was not required to give a positive review.
Sunday, September 10, 2017
Convicted by Jameel McGee & Andrew Collins
"Convicted" by Jameel McGee & Andrew Collins is a true story about a crooked cop and the innocent man he put away and forgiveness with unexpected friendship between the two. This was a very powerful book Mr. McGee's side of the story being locked up for something he was framed for and the aftermath it caused it heartbreaking. While I give Mr. Collins so much credit for not holding back on the lies and nastiness he did as a police officer. I think the part of their story I really was happy to read was that while Mr. Collins expecting the thin blue line of officers to protect him they did not and did what a good officer should do which is be honest and uphold the law even if the perpetrator is a fellow officer. The power of forgiveness in their story is so strong that they not only ended up going to the same church and becoming good friends that can count on each other. I highly recommend this story of forgiveness and God's work in our lives.
I was given this book from Blogging for Books for free and was not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from Blogging for Books for free and was not required to give a positive review.
Friday, September 8, 2017
Cherished Mercy by Tracie Peterson
"Cherished Mercy" by Tracie Peterson is the third book in the Heart of the Frontier series and this one is about the youngest of the sisters Mercy. In this one Mercy has decided a few years after turning down her childhood sweetheart in marriage that she will leave the Willamette valley to go Rogue River Valley to help friends of the family during a tough time. She is in the Rogue River Valley when a battle between whites and the native Americans is at a dangerous breaking point. While I have really enjoyed this book series as it showed both sides of the Indian wars that happened at the time. The main character Mercy shows love to others that most at the time would have hated and even to people who want to harm her. This was a beautiful story of mercy and of loving others no matter what who they are. I highly recommend this book.
I was given this book from NetGalley for free and was not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from NetGalley for free and was not required to give a positive review.
Monday, August 21, 2017
Fatal Trust by Todd M. Johnson
"Fatal Trust" by Todd M. Johnson is about Ian Wells a young attorney trying to keep his dad's office alive while taking care of his mom with Alzheimer's. With all the stress he gets a job that he should turn down but doesn't out of need and this job will shake him to the core while putting him in danger. This was an interesting book at first I did not think I would like it but the more I read the more I could not put it down. I really liked how this book dealt with the sins of the past can affect the future. Also on how greed can make people do horrible things. Ian's character is well developed and really shows his feelings and confusing during the whole story. This was a well written and well paced book that I highly recommend.
I was given this book from Bethany House for free and was not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from Bethany House for free and was not required to give a positive review.
The Real God by Chip Ingram
"The Real God" by Chip Ingram is a book about the seven attributes of God. This was a very interesting and detailed book on God's attributes. Each attribute is well explained and how we are to respond to each attribute. This was a very informative book that I did enjoy except for one thing that seems to be normal thing in these type of books. What is that one item? Well it is the use of multi different versions of the scripture. Why if you are solid in your doctrine do you need to mix the use good translations with bad paraphrases such as the message. The mix of translations and paraphrases always seems to border on the trying to make scripture fit your beliefs. Even with that issue I still recommend this book as it was a good study,
I was given this book from Baker Books for free and not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from Baker Books for free and not required to give a positive review.
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Fault Lines by Thomas Locke
"Fault Lines" by Thomas Locke is a very fast paced book about Charlie Hazard and what happens to him once he meets a mystery woman. This book was so not what I was looking for. I enjoy psychological thrillers but more on the realistic side this one to me was just all over the place. The story was on the extreme not believable side for me. The characters were not likeable or even relatable they were just over done stereotypes I see in a lot of thriller and sci-fi books. The story seemed familiar to others I have read and just not for me. I really never got into it, seriously I just finished cause I was bored if not for that I would finished it. I just can't recommend it.
I was given this book from Revell a division of Baker Publishing Group for free and was not required to give a positive review
I was given this book from Revell a division of Baker Publishing Group for free and was not required to give a positive review
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Chasing Secrets by Lynette Eason
"Chasing Secrets" by Lynette Eason is the fourth book in the Elite Guardians books series. In this book we start in West Ireland with a horrific murder that is unknown on who do it. Well twenty five years later it is still unsolved and as a cold case it is being dug up. Well that puts the life of Haley Callaghan in the United States in danger without her even knowing it. This was very good book and my favorite of the series. We learn more of Haley's past and her heart for people. Also this book really dwells into domestic violence and greed. This was a book that really hit the heartstrings but in a realistic way. There is so much more I can say about this great story but I just don't want to give away the story. So I highly recommend you reading this book and you don't have to read the previous books to understand this one.
I was given this book from Revell a division of Baker Publishing group for free and was not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from Revell a division of Baker Publishing group for free and was not required to give a positive review.
Saturday, August 12, 2017
The Road to Paradise by Karen Barnett
"The Road to Paradise" by Karen Barnett is about two people (Margaret Lane & Forest Ranger Ford Brayden) from way different worlds meeting and trying to save a national forest that they both love while taking place in 1927. I always enjoy historical fiction and this one was very unique in its story. Well the romance portion you could see coming but I have read a historical fiction novel that takes place in a national forest during the 20's. This was a very unique well written story that I could easily picture each scene. Once I started reading I just could not put it down this was a very well written historical fiction. I highly recommend it as I really can't wait to read more of the author's books she is a wonderful writer.
I was given this book from blogging for books for free and not required to give positive review.
I was given this book from blogging for books for free and not required to give positive review.
Thursday, August 10, 2017
Moving Forward by John Siebeling
"Moving Forward" by John Siebeling is about overcoming habits and things that hold your life back. This book was hard to read as it was supposed to be coming from a Christian stand point. But I really did not think it was it seemed more to be a book platitudes that you hear in the secular self help community. Yes there was scripture thru out the book but that does mean it follows the teachings of Christ. Maybe this book could help others it just did encourage me it was more of a self help book than a Christian book on how to focus on Christ and not our selves. Sorry I don't recommend it.
I was given this book from Baker Books for free and was not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from Baker Books for free and was not required to give a positive review.
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Intended For Evil by Les Sillars
"Intended For Evil" by Les Sillars is the story of a survivor of the Cambodian killing fields. How do I describe a book so powerful and disturbing at the same time. I remember in the 80's hearing on the news or reading in the newspaper a tiny bit about the killing fields and the war in Cambodia but did hear much about it. This book should be required reading for anyone that is studying about Cambodia especially of the time of the Khmer Rouge rule. The violence and the pain that Radha Manickam seen and had experienced during his time of this hell was so sad but powerful. Why do I say powerful well he could have become hateful himself but he clung to Christ no matter what was happening to those he loved and others around him. In midst of the nightmare he found love but not by his choice (you must read the book to understand that portion) and was able to become a refugee in America. While in America he became Pastor and went back to Cambodia to help those that were left behind. I just can't say how much I recommend this book as it is powerful on how a person can cling to Christ even in the worst of situations. I highly highly recommend it and as a homeschool mom I will be requiring it to be read by my son when he is in high school (I say high school because of the horrific things Radha describes that happened are not for the faint of heart but they do need to be told).
I was given this book from Baker Books for free and was not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from Baker Books for free and was not required to give a positive review.
Beloved Hope by Tracie Peterson
"Beloved Hope" by Tracie Peterson is the second book in the Heart of the Frontier series and this one is about the middle sister Hope. This book series is so powerful that I can't wait for the next one (I know there will be as it is set up to have a third book.) In this book we find more of the story of Hope who seen her love of her life murdered during the Whitman massacre and raped while being captive now she is having to testify against the leaders and her rapist. While she is healing from this her pain we find soldier Lance Kenner healing from his past and what starts as friendship well you kinda know where it will go. Normally I can't stand romance but this one was not so much about romance as it was about healing and forgiveness. The author really portrays the anger and pain that hope has experienced in such a way you think you are reading someones actual diary from the Whitman massacre. Also we see more of the youngest sister's story also which is where I assume the next book will pick up from. I want to say so much more about the story but if I do I will give it away so I won't. Once I picked up this book I really could not put it down it is that good. The story is so powerful and I highly recommend it.
I was given this book from Bethany House for free and not required to give a positive review.
Monday, July 31, 2017
Do All Lives Matter? by Wayne Gordon & John M. Perkins
"Do All Lives Matter?" by Wayne Gordon & John M. Perkins is about race issues we are still facing to this day in American and in the church. This was such a powerful book that I had to take my time with it as there was so much to digest from it. This is a little book that is very powerful at explaining the racism still going on in America and in the church even to this day. Also it talks about what we can do about it. It explains not just the obvious racism but some of slight of hand type racism that is out there like ways some will on purpose keep others down. This was a very powerful book and I highly recommend it.
I was given this book from Baker Books for free and was not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from Baker Books for free and was not required to give a positive review.
Just Sayin' by Dandi Daley Mackall
"Just Sayin" by Dandi Daley Mackall is a book about two young best friends whose parents almost got married but now they are having to communicate via letters in our modern world. This book is written in a very unique way as each part is a letter from one character in the book to another. It was a very interesting way to read a book but it was also the story being told via the letters that made this a great book. Most of the letters are from the two friends Nick and Cassie but at times there is others involved too. I have to admit I think my favorite was the first letter we read from Cassie's grandmother she is so funny. This was such a funny and fun book to read and I highly recommend it.
I was given this book from Tyndale Publishers for free and was not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from Tyndale Publishers for free and was not required to give a positive review.
Sunday, July 30, 2017
A Matter of Trust by Susan May Warren
"A Matter of Trust" by Susan May Warren is about former snowboarder Gage Watson who now works for PEAK Rescue now set to rescue the brother of Ella Blair who helped end his career. This book is an adventure romance novel and the third book in the Montana Rescue series. I am not a snowboarder so a lot of the lingo used in this book confused me at times so that made it a little difficult for me to read. Also it was to me heavier on the romance style especially in the first half. I will admit the last couple chapters did finally get me into liking the book but it still was not my cup of tea. If you enjoy snow sport romance adventure books then this one is for you.
I was given this book from Revell a division of Baker Publishing Group for free and not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from Revell a division of Baker Publishing Group for free and not required to give a positive review.
Saturday, July 29, 2017
Over Maya Dead Body by Sandra Orchard
"Over Maya Dead Body" by Sandra Orchard is the third book in the Serena Jones Mystery and in this one FBI special agent Serena Jones is on vacation on Martha's Vineyard so of course a murder mystery dealing with antiquities smuggling changes her plans. I will admit when I first started reading this book I thought why am I reading this as the character of Aunt Martha drives me batty. But in this book Aunt Martha is not so bad and I even started to like her meddling in this book as she wasn't the main focus this time. The mystery that Serena is working makes twists and turns that was not always expecting. This was a well paced and good mystery novel that could even stand alone from the other books in the series but you still need to read the others for some of the back story. I highly recommend this book and can't wait to see what the next one holds (due to part of the story I figure there will be a fourth one).
I was given this book from Revell a division of Baker Publishing Group for free and was not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from Revell a division of Baker Publishing Group for free and was not required to give a positive review.
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Dark Deception by Nancy Mehl
"Dark Deception" by Nancy Mehl is the second in the Defenders of Justice series where Kate O'brien a surviving victim of a serial killer who must go back to the retrial of her sister's killer. The federal marshal Tony DeLuca who has helped protect at the first trial will go get her but they find that the mental and physical danger is not behind them and must go thru more torture to live. This was a very interesting mystery novel. At first I thought I knew exactly what was going to happen which at some points I was right but a lot of the book I would have never guessed. This book gave us twists and turns that I did not see coming. So much I could say about this story but if I say it, I will give away too much of the story. This is a must read for murder mystery fans so I highly recommend it.
I was given this book from Bethany House Publishing for free and was not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from Bethany House Publishing for free and was not required to give a positive review.
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Perspective in Action by David Chelsea
|"Perspective in Action" by David Chelsea is an art book that teaches you how add dimension and depth to your work. Dimension is one area that I have hard time understanding how to put dimension and depth in my drawings. This book really has very good exercises on how to draw dimension. Now not only does it give step by step instructions but they are set up like a graphic novel so it makes it even more interesting and helpful since it is done as drawing itself. Also it was interesting to learn older techniques and newer techniques. I highly recommend this book if you have problems with dimension and depth.
I was given this book from Blogging for Books for free and not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from Blogging for Books for free and not required to give a positive review.
Friday, June 16, 2017
Manga Art by Mark Crilley
"Manga Art" by Mark Crilley is a book of the artists inspiration and techniques for his art. As a beginner artist I have always enjoyed learning and understanding a professional artists inspirations, also their techniques. I may never be at the same skill as the author but I was really encouraged by his writing of how he did was inspired on his work. Also it was nice to see him write about how after he finished a piece he realized the character should have a tattoo so he added it digitally (which he said was rare for him). This was such a beautiful and informative book, I highly recommend it for anyone that is interested Manga art.
I was given this book from Blogging For Books for free and was not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from Blogging For Books for free and was not required to give a positive review.
Friday, June 9, 2017
The Divide by Jolina Petersheim
"The Divide" By Jolina Petersheim is not your typical Amish romance fiction it is about Leora Ebersole trying to figure out how to survive mental, physically and emotional after an EMP bomb destroyed the power grids. Survival is the main focus of the book and Leora having to decide between a young Amish man she grew up with and a man she only met due to the crisis happening. This was an interesting story even though it was book two in the story you can get away with not reading book one. However book one was just as good as this book with a great story that did rely on the romance section of it. When you get dystopian style books you almost never see ones that involve the Amish and that is what makes this book very special. I highly recommend this book.
I was given this book from Tyndale Publishers for free and was not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from Tyndale Publishers for free and was not required to give a positive review.
Thursday, June 8, 2017
Portrait Revolution by Julia L. Kay
"Portrait Revolution" by Julia L. Kay is a book about portraits that are done from all over the world and in different mediums of art. This book was such a beautiful and interesting collection of portraits. They are not just portraits in painting style but in needlework, abstract style, digital printing, and other mediums. I especially loved the ones that are in different mediums like the abstracts and the ones of babies. What more can I say as this is such a beautiful book that shares the portraits and the artists. This is a great book for any art lover and I highly recommend it.
I was given this book from blogging for books for free and was not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from blogging for books for free and was not required to give a positive review.
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
The Tech-Wise Family by Andy Crouch
"The Tech-Wise Family" by Andy Crouch is about making sure you using technology in a positive way for your family This was interesting and informative book but I thought it relied to heavily on statistics. Statistics can be twisted to however you want your reader to see them so any book that relys on them to make your point is not a great book to me. Now don't get me wrong it still was good but not as good as it could have been. It had some great principles that are recommended but you have to be careful cause it could easily turn to legalism. I do recommend it but with warning to just to know it is heavy on statistics and don't fall into the legalism trap.
I was given this book from Baker Books for free and was not required to give a positive review.
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Threads of Suspicion by Dee Henderson
"Threads of Suspicion" by Dee Henderson is Evie Blackwell novel, Evie is an investigator for the state police on the governor's special missing persons task force. In this one Evie and her new partner David Marshal are both investigating two different cases that are not similar but turn out they could be connected. This was a very interesting novel in which you see how to twisted some people are. Also I really enjoyed seeing the character of David Marshal especially since his characters was not thrown in to be another love interest for Evie. We do have a romance bit to this novel with Evie's character but the main focus I thought was the David's love interest's learning to trust God while David is new in the faith. This was a really good book with a good mystery that I really liked. So, I highly recommend it.
I was given this book from Bethany House Publishers for free and was not required to give a review.
I was given this book from Bethany House Publishers for free and was not required to give a review.
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Know Who You Are by Tim Tebow
"Know Who You Are, Live Like It Matters" by Tim Tebow is a book meant for homeschoolers to help them find their identity in Christ. This was an interesting book on finding your identity in Christ while also showing you how to work on your personal character. Each chapter has a short amount of reading and then a writing exercise. It written and geared toward homeschoolers especially since Tim Tebow was homeschooled but I think it would work even for kids that are not homeschooled. He really encourages young people to do what is right according to the scriptures even others around them are not. It was an uplifting book that encourages our youth not discourages. It makes them focus on Christ not just themselves. I highly recommend this book for anyone in my opinion.
I was given this book from Blogging for Books for free and was not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from Blogging for Books for free and was not required to give a positive review.
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
The Con Man's Daughter by Candice Curry
"The Con Man's Daughter" by Candice Curry is the memoir of the author's childhood as she dealt with the chaos her dad left in his wake as a con man. This was an interesting book of how even thru her struggles as a child and as a young adult God was faithful to bring her to Him. It was interesting plus sad to read how hard her mom worked but how her dad used material things to say he was a better parent. Sadly parents still do that to this day. This author was not a delusional woman who thought her dad was a con artist he really was and after his death she learned more on who wanted to know what he knew it was intriguing. Also this book deals with how suicide affects the people that are left behind. If you like powerful memoirs then I highly recommend this book.
I was given this book from BakerBooks for free and was not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from BakerBooks for free and was not required to give a positive review.
Saturday, May 13, 2017
The Maggie Bright by Tracy Groot
I was given this book from Tyndale Publishers for free and was not required to give a positive review.
Friday, May 12, 2017
The Gatekeepers by Chris Whipple
"The Gatekeepers" by Chris Whipple is about how the White House Chiefs of Staff are very important to each president and how they need not be just another yes man to the president. It starts with Nixon's chief of staff and ends with an epilogue about how Trump's choice in Chief of Staff is very very important to his controversial presidency. This is a very interesting book even if you are not that heavy into politics. I will admit I was unsure of this book because of the line it would have to stay on not to be politically motivated one way or the other. For me it gave the good and bad of all I thought it was well done. So I do recommend if you are interested in a position not really talked a whole lot about unless something bad or something really good happens.
I was given this book from Blogging for Books for free and was not required to give a review.
I was given this book from Blogging for Books for free and was not required to give a review.
Thursday, May 11, 2017
The Ebb Tide by Beverly Lewis
"The Ebb Tide" by Beverly Lewis is about Sallie Riehl who as a young Amish woman has heart to travel well when her big plans change she becomes a nanny for a non-Amish family for the summer away from her home. This was not your stereotypical Amish story yes it did have the normal romance but the story was more about Sallie discovering what she believes and wants in life. This was a sweet story with some of the typical things you see in Amish fiction but not everything. One thing that was nice to read was that we did not have the typical someone was being shunned this book had more of a family supportive attitude than the shunning attitude of some. I really liked the story of Sallie finding how she fits in this world and not just going with the flow. I highly recommend this book it is one of Beverly Lewis's best books.
I was given this book from Bethany House for free and was not required to give a review.
I was given this book from Bethany House for free and was not required to give a review.
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
Dream With Me by John M. Perkins
"Dream With Me" by John M. Perkins is a book not only about race relations but also a memoir of the authors life. I wanted to read this book as Christians seem to think that race struggles have gone away in America when they have not. Seriously churches as a whole in this nation are still segregated by race in a lot of areas. It is a serious problem we need to confront and face with the truth. Mr. Perkins writes such a powerful book and will make you think on people that have been oppressed. One of my favorite quotes is " People often say they need to be a voice for the voiceless, which sounds good but often ends up becoming imperialistic and patronizing. The oppressed already have a voice; the problem is that no one is listening." We need to start listening and this book can help us do that. We need as believers to open our eyes to the world outside of our little areas and see what Christ is calling us to do there. It might be just prayer but it also might be on the front lines of the struggles of others in the world. Oh the quotes I could add into this review I would almost be copying the book. It is that powerful so if you can't tell I highly recommend this book.
I was given this book from BakerBooks a division of Baker Publishing Group for free and was not required to give a review.
I was given this book from BakerBooks a division of Baker Publishing Group for free and was not required to give a review.
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Sandpiper Cove by Irene Hannon
"Sandpiper Cover" by Irene Hannon is another book in the Hope Harbor Novel series. In this we find the police chief and single mom Lexie Graham trying to figure out how to help a young man up to no good change his path and she decides to enlist ex-con Adam Stone in her idea for the youth. I knew going into this book that it would be a partial romance and good novel book but this author does not make her romance stories extremely sappy. Also even though Hope Harbor is made up some of the surrounding towns the author writes about are not and they are very beautiful areas that she writes about. The author is really good at writing about small towns and the attitudes in them. It is a great book with a little mystery that is not a murder mystery and with over all good story. I really hope that there is more books in the works in the Hope Harbor series. I highly recommend this book for a good novel that takes place on the Oregon Coast.
I was given this book from Revell a division of Baker Publishing Group for free and was not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from Revell a division of Baker Publishing Group for free and was not required to give a positive review.
Monday, April 10, 2017
Pursued by Lisa Harris
"Pursued" by Lisa Harris is another book in the Nikki Boyd series, in this one Nikki is on a flight home that crashes and the woman sitting next to her is missing but not on the list of passengers. So she finds out her seat mate is a key witness in a major trial and was with an air marshal for her safety. This was a very good book that turned into not only a missing persons story but a corruption story and of course of murder mystery. The things Nikki finds about her seat mate Erika is very interesting and how you never know what the person that is sitting next to you might have gone thru or going thru. I would like to see a side book wrote on Erika's story pre-meeting Nikki. This was a well paced and really told a good story. I highly recommend this book and this author she is a very talented author.
I was given this book from Revell a division of Baker Publishing Group for free and not required to give a review.
I was given this book from Revell a division of Baker Publishing Group for free and not required to give a review.
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
The First City by Joe Hart
"The First City" by Joe Hart is the final book in the Dominion Trilogy where we find Zoey finding out that she is the key to the salvation of the human race. She sets out to go to Seattle the last American city not sure what or who she will find. This book is the best book of the entire series as it did not remind me of any other story. This one felt more like to me that it come directly from the author's own imagination without other stories bled in. It was the best written of the books and made me want to read even more books written by this author. The story moved in a very good pace and it answered so many questions that the other two books did not answer and even answered questions I didn't even think of. It wrapped everything up in a neat little package. I would even like to see another series off of what happens in the end, I so wish I could explain that more but if I did it would give away the story. I highly recommend this whole series of books it is a well written trilogy.
I was given this book from NetGalley for free and was not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from NetGalley for free and was not required to give a positive review.
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27 years ago was the summer before my senior year in high school and I went for a walk that would change my life forever. I just wanted to ...
Ok this is probable the most personal post I have ever written on this blog. After walking the color run this last weekend, I have realiz...
27 years ago was the summer before my senior year in high school and I went for a walk that would change my life forever. I just wanted to ...
"The Life Giving Home, Creating A Place of Belonging & Becoming" by Sally & Sarah Clarkson is about creating a peacef...
First of all if you want to complain about my grammar then please leave cause I admit it is my weakness in writing. And I bounce between th...