Yep toe stepping time
You have been warned if you keep reading then you are entering the world of my thoughts so be prepared I have a tendency to not sugar coat things.
1. Feelings.
Lately I have been realizing that in Christian circles going off our feelings is being taught its the right thing to do and in some circles the only way to live. I don't see that in scripture except in bad ways. Eve felt that the serpent was correct and David went off of his feelings for Bathesheba. The bereans were not more noble cause they went by their feelings but that they studied the scriptures. Not everything we go thru in this life is supposed to make us feel good. Look in scriptures Jesus says that if they hated him that they will hate us. Does that make you feel good if you are honest probable not knowing that people will hate you. I have heard people say about people teaching false things it made me feel good so I don't need to check it out. Or I have a peace about it so I don't need to take it to scriptures why not just cause you have a peace about it does not make an item true it may be a false peace. Satan does not come to us as an obvious bad guy/teaching. So just cause it feels good (that makes me think of the attitude I heard/read about of the sixties that if it feels good do it) does not mean its Biblical.
2. Christian Fads.
In Matthew 24 we have Jesus talking about what the end times will be like. Specifically in Matthew 24:23- 26 "Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. 24 For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. 25 See, I have told you beforehand. 26 So, if they say to you, ‘Look, he is in the wilderness,’ do not go out. If they say, ‘Look, he is in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it." I have been thinking a lot lately that we see this attitude a lot not just with people saying they are Jesus but with other things. What do I mean? I mean things like movies, books, and music where people say stuff like Jesus is in this movie, book or song go to see it, read it or listen to it. Why do I have to see Jesus in the movie, book (except the Bible) or song, why not in His word like he says to look. People sometimes wonder why I am not a big fan of modern Christian music that's because when I take a lot of it to the scriptures I don't find the Christ of the Bible. People are shocked when I say I take songs to the scripture now I am not saying we should only sing hymn some of them are just as bad if not worse than some modern songs. I am just saying check it with scripture. We as conservative Christian have a tendency to laugh at people who see Jesus in a piece of toast or a tomato but as a whole we do the same with movies and songs even if had we taken it to scripture we would find that he may not be in that song, movie or book. So if you ask me to go to a movie, read a book or listen to song cause it says its Christian I might say no thanks please don't be offended. Now don't get me wrong I am not saying Christian music or movies or books are wrong. What I am saying is that they need to be taken to scripture more intensely than a secular song or movie. A secular song or movie was not made to lead you to Christ so you can't expect it to be Biblical. But when something says its Christian check it out with scripture. As it may be pointing you to a false Christ and not the Christ of the Bible so we need to be extra careful with what supposed Christian things we turn to.
A blog about books and whatever else comes to my mind.
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Not A Chance by RC Sproul
"Not A Chance" by R.C. Sproul and Keith Mathison is book about how we can't believe things in science just happened by chance but that they were created and design by God. If you are not familiar with R.C. Sproul you will know that his books are not easy to read and this one is no exception. This book was one of the hardest books of R.C. Sprouls to read as it is not just a theological book but a scientific book at the same time. Now I know some of you will say oh he just uses the Bible to prove his point well yes he does that but also uses science and scientist to prove his viewpoint. I highly recommend this book but be warned it is not a fast read.
I was given this book from Baker Books a division of Baker Publishing Group for my honest review and was not required to give a positive review.
The Bible's Answers to 100 of Life's Biggest Questions by Norman Geisler & Jason Jimenez
"The Bible's Answers to 100 of Life's Biggest Questions" by Norman L. Geisler & Jason Jimenez is book about common questions people ask about life such as Why are we born into sin and many other questions. I liked how the authors answered the questions, then gave application, then Bible references and recommend books on the subject. What I did not really enjoy was that the answers at times seemed very short and could have been longer. I would have rather had this book in a multiple of series of books with longer answers than short answers in one book. This book to me was not geared towards unbelievers but to believers that have questions. So if you were thinking these would be great for your unbelieving friend or family member stay clear its more to answer a believers questions. So I recommend it but be warned the answers were on the short side.
I was given this book from Baker Books a division of Baker Publishing Group for my honest review and was not required to give a positive review
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
You Can't Text A Tough Conversation by Mike Bechtle
"You Can't Text A Tough Conversation" by Mike Bechtle is a book about real conversations not just a quick texting type relationships. I was not sure what to expect with this book. I was interested to see if the author was going to do like some people do which is paint new technology with its all bad brush. He does not do this at all he shows and talks about how we need to have a healthy respect for technology ie phones and social media, etc. One of the points I really liked was his reminder that when we write something on the Internet we need to remember would we say these things to the person if they were right in front of us. Also I liked how he reminds us that an in person conversation will be better to understand what person meant with their comments than a text or facebook post. As those do not show angry or misunderstanding in their weird like a in person conversation can clarify our conversation. It was a hard book for me to read for some reason but that was me. I still recommend it as it was a good book on remembering to focus on people in person more than just on a screen.
I was given this book Revell a division of Baker Publishing Group for my honest review and was not required to give a positive review.
"Welcome To Hidden Springs-Murder At The Courthouse" by A.H. Gabhart
"Murder at the Courthouse" by A.H. Gabhart is a murder mystery novel that is the first in the Hidden Springs Mystery novel series. It takes place in a very small little sleepy town which turns out not to be so sleepy when a murder happens on the steps of the courthouse. The deputy sheriff Michael Keane was looking forward to being a police officer in a quiet nothing happening town and that is not what he gets. Since this is a mystery and I don't want to give away any of the story I am going to be very vague on this review. I really thought the characters were well developed except I kinda wish there was more on the nosy older woman that it starts with maybe we will see more of her in the next book. I have to admit as I was reading this book I kept visualizing Mayberry since that is what I first thought of when I read a small southern town. I really liked how the author does not make small towns out to be these little perfect towns they are so not perfect. This was good overall murder mystery and I highly recommend it.
I was given this book from Revell a division of Baker Publishing Group and was not required to give a positive review.
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
God's Smuggler by Brother Andrew
"God's Smuggler" by Brother Andrew is about the Bible smuggler Brother Andrew who started smuggling Bibles behind Communist lines in the 1950's. This book was very powerful on how Brother Andrew followed God's leading in all parts of his life from his marriage to who to talk about God to. This book was very easy to read but a well written book. I also enjoyed the pictures of the author doing his work. This is a newer expanded edition which also talks about the author bringing the scripture to the Muslims. I am glad the author reminds us that God is not going to always call us to a comfortable and easy life. We are going to have trouble and things are not always easy nor should they be. The author's witness points us always to Christ and not himself. We need to remember that as we do what God asks us to do. I highly recommend this book for anyone to read.
I was given the book from Chosen Book Publishers and was not required to give a positive review.
Monday, November 30, 2015
Keeping Christmas by Dan Walsh
"Keeping Christmas" by Dan Walsh is about a woman named Judith who is having to come to the realization that her family will not be able to be together for the holidays and feels like her life does not matter anymore. Now I will admit this little Christmas books was good but I just could not understand the depth of depression Judith had over her family not coming home for the holidays. But I could understand the love her husband shows her no matter what. I also like that the book really brings up the point of others needing to be our focus and not always about us or our feelings or wants. I did enjoy this book but not as much as I thought I would. However I still would recommend it as it was good story even though it was not one of my favorites.
I was given this book from Revell Publishing and was not required to give a positive review.
The Christmas Joy Ride by Melody Carlson
"The Christmas Joy Ride" by Melody Carlson is a quick little book about a woman joining her elderly neighbor spread Christmas joy with others that won a contest. Joy loves Christmas even though she is in her eighties runs a contest on her website and is planning on driving her Christmas decked RV to spread Christmas to others. Her neighbor Miranda who is going through a very rough patch in her life thinks her neighbor is little crazy doing this at her age but decides to join her. Normally I am not one for sweet stories but this one I really enjoyed. I just loved how the author just didn't quickly go over each winner's story and why Joy picked them which could have done since this book is not that long. The details in this quick book are what makes it a powerful and beautifully written book. It was such an uplifting book and I really needed that when I was reading it. A great reminder that Christmas is not about stuff but people. I highly recommend this fun Christmas themed book.
I was given this book from Revell publishing and was not required to give a positive review.
The War Came Home With Him by Catherine Madison
"The War Came Home With Him" by Catherine Madison is not only the author's memoir but also her father's memoir of the Korean War. This book is set up where you read a chapter about her life then a chapter about her dad. Her dad was a prisoner of war during the Korean war. It is a hard book to read because the author does not hide or try to soften what her happened to her dad or even his attitude toward his family when he returned. Some of the horrific things that her dad wrote about experiencing would make some wonder if they are true but it is what has happened in war and war is not pretty. Its also not pretty how sometimes families can be treated after their loved one comes back because of what they have experienced. It is not an easy book but well worth the read. I highly recommend it.
I was given this book from Net Galley and not required to give a positive review.
Forgiven by Terri Roberts
I was given this book from Bethany House Publishers and was not required to give a positive review.
Sunday, November 22, 2015
You tube recommendation.
I am going to start a new type of post on my site which is you tube recommendations on which sites I like and why. My first one is one I was shocked to find out that does not have many viewers as the lady is wonderful. She only has a little under 6,000 subscribers (I know that is a lot but not really in you tube land), She is so wonderful. Her you tube name is The Glamorous Housewife. She does things vintage with a modern twist. I just love her site. She is very relateable and professional with her videos. I have gotten ideas from her and her site has been even an encouragement for me. I love vintage things specially home decor and depending on my mood even some clothing but I like to add modern things to it. Even my husband who does not like to cook (not all her videos are on cooking) likes to listen her videos with me. She does not even know I exist but I want to encourage her and for more people to see her wonderful videos. So please go check out the The Glamorous Housewife on you tube and at
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Rising Darkness by Nancy Mehl
"Rising Darkness" by Nancy Mehl is the third book in the Finding Sanctuary series. This is a book series where you can read the books in no particular order as they are standalone books. This is the 2nd book of the series I will admit there were a couple characters that I recognized from the second book in the series but you did not need to know their history for this book. I have read and this book confirmed to me that I have finally found a good Christian mystery writer. Nancy Mehl is a very talented author that only uses romance as small part of the story which is very nice as I like to read mysteries for the mystery not the romance story. This one is about a former Mennonite named Sophie Wittenbauer trying to make her name for herself as a newspaper writer while trying solve an unsolved crime while at the same time trying to keep her past hidden. She is trying to find if one of the people who did the crime is hiding in the sleepy (well no so sleepy) town of Sanctuary, Missouri. It is a fast paced novel where the main characters have a well developed story line. This was an excellent book and highly recommend it.
I was given this book from Bethany House Publishers and was not required to make a positive review.
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Doodletopia Cartoons by Christopher Hart
"Doodletopia Cartoons" by Christopher Hart is book about teaching you to draw, design and color your own cartoon characters. I have always liked to doodle and mainly in the style of cartoons but I am not very good at. However I will still do it and this book is a great way for me to learn and stretch my drawing abilities. This book is not just your standard here is how to draw this and here is a blank page to try on. It gives instructions and then portions of the drawings for you to practice your work on. I am thoroughly happy with this book and is it a wonderful way for me to get back into drawing. I highly recommend this book.
I was given this book from Blogging for Books for my honest review and not required to give a positive review.
Monday, November 9, 2015
Taming The To-Do List by Glynnis Whitwer
"Taming The To-Do List" by Glynnis Whitwer is not your typical how to get things done book. It is from a Christian stand point and geared towards procrastinators. I will admit I am a big procrastinator and I took my sweet time with this book. It did not just do a surface look at getting things done, it really worked on the heart of why a person may procrastinate. I will admit I even procrastinated on finishing reading this book but I am glad I did as it helped me soak in what the author was saying. At times this book did bore me which is one of the reasons it took me awhile to read it. Then other times it convicted me so I got off my butt and got busy with things I have been needing to do. The book is kinda of divided into two sections first is on why we procrastinate and the second part is on practical tips. This not just a self help book without scriptures it is a book on relying on God strength and not our own. This book was big help for me to understand and get practical helps on being a procrastinator. I really enjoyed this book as it did not expect you to be an already non procrastinator type of person. I also enjoy I highly recommend this book.
I was given this book from Revell a division of Baker Publishing for my honest review and not required to give a positive review.
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Hipster Animals by Dyna Moe
"Hipster Animals, A Field Guide" by Dyna Moe is a comical little book about making fun of the different types of hipsters out there. I will warn you this book does have a bit of crudeness to it. Why did I pick it to review because I love to visit and people watch in one of the cities people consider the land of the Hipsters which is Portland Oregon. It does have some fun points to it I especially liked the little section on food trucks (another thing Portland is known for and they have some great food trucks). Some of the animal characters are funny but then some have just too much crudeness to make them funny for me. It was sad this book had so much potential for me but it fell flat. I love weird humor but not when it has crudeness to it and this book had to much for my tastes. So I will say this book had potential if crudeness does not bother you then have fun reading it. However if crudeness bothers you then stay clear of it.
I was given this book from Blogging for Books for my honest review.
Andy & Don by Daniel de Vise
I was given this book to review from Net Galley and was not required to give a positive review.
Saturday, October 31, 2015
The Super Mom Myth by Becky Kopitzke
"The Super Mom Myth" by Becky Koptizke is about the myth's of motherhood. This book was not quite what I thought it was going to be for example perfection mom's and such. However it was even better than I had imagined. I really enjoyed how the author brought up things that are actually the side affects of us trying to be a super mom (she calls them villains of motherhood) such as being a grouch and worry. The author not only tells us details of these villains but also how to get rid or lower our life with them. If you are not a Christian and are not open to the Bible you will not like this book as the author uses the scripture to back what she is saying. I appreciate her use of the scriptures and I also appreciate that she doesn't give us much advice on children that are above the age of her children. That is very nice because if someone has not raised a teenager for example I have hard time taking advice from them about teenagers but I will still listen. This was a good book on remembering that we need to draw our strength as mothers from God not from others. I highly recommend this book.
I was given this book from Net Galley and was not required to give a positive review.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
The Time Chamber by Daria Song
"The Time Chamber" by Daria Song is the second in a series of coloring books geared towards adults. Now I know what you are thinking a coloring book. However this not just any coloring book it has a little story that combines with the coloring pages. Not every page has words on but the pictures help tell the story. I love how I can color the pictures for the story and make it my own. The paper is thick enough that if you want to use markers you can and it won't bleed through (at least the crayola markers I used did not bleed thru). The designs are very detail so this is definitely not a children's coloring book so you will need to take your time with all the details. It is a beautiful coloring book and I look forward to the free time I will be using to color in it. I highly recommend it as a fun spare time book as it is a great way to influence your creative side.
I was given this book from blogging for books and was not required to give a positive review.
Saturday, October 24, 2015
A Reason To Stay by Kellie Coates Gilbert
"A Reason To Stay" by Kellie Coates Gilbert is the third book in the Texas Gold novel
series. Don't worry each book in the series is a stand alone book not really even connected but all are a story that takes place in Texas. I have read one of the previous books and really enjoyed. Now this one was good but not great. The story involves Faith Marin a TV reporter and her husband a pro fisherman. It bounces between the past and current days while Faith deals with a traumatic brain injury and her relationship with her husband. This book at times rubbed me the wrong way I just did not understand the obsessive deal of pointing out name brands and wealth. Maybe its cause I have never lived in area where that is common but it just did not sit well with me. It was a fast paced novel that was well written but I could just not relate to it. Now I will admit I was interested in learning more of the history of Faith which in the book is not revealed much but enough that you get an idea of it. I wouldn't mind a book about her past. But this book was just not for me. If I say too much about the book it will give away too much of the story. I will recommend it if you want a book with a good story on a non perfect marriage and how our past can hurt our present.
I was given this book from Revell a division of Baker Publishing Group and was not required to give a positive review.
series. Don't worry each book in the series is a stand alone book not really even connected but all are a story that takes place in Texas. I have read one of the previous books and really enjoyed. Now this one was good but not great. The story involves Faith Marin a TV reporter and her husband a pro fisherman. It bounces between the past and current days while Faith deals with a traumatic brain injury and her relationship with her husband. This book at times rubbed me the wrong way I just did not understand the obsessive deal of pointing out name brands and wealth. Maybe its cause I have never lived in area where that is common but it just did not sit well with me. It was a fast paced novel that was well written but I could just not relate to it. Now I will admit I was interested in learning more of the history of Faith which in the book is not revealed much but enough that you get an idea of it. I wouldn't mind a book about her past. But this book was just not for me. If I say too much about the book it will give away too much of the story. I will recommend it if you want a book with a good story on a non perfect marriage and how our past can hurt our present.
I was given this book from Revell a division of Baker Publishing Group and was not required to give a positive review.
Friday, October 23, 2015
Vendetta by Lisa Harris
"Vendetta" by Lisa Harris is the first in the mystery series The Nikki Boyd Files. I love a good mystery novel and Lisa Harris does not disappoint. It was finally a good mystery where romance was not the main point the mystery was. It involves Nikki Boyd who works for the Tennessee Missing Persons Task Force who wants to make sure families don't like she does with her sister missing for over 10 years. The story involves a new missing girl case that is very similar to her sister's case and if the suspect is after Nikki or just to mess with her mind. Once I started reading this book I just could not put it down it is a very fast paced novel which is what I enjoy. They only issue I had with it was at times the back story of some of the main characters made me feel like I had not read a previous book in the series even though this is the first book in the series. Other than that it is a very good mystery and I don't want to give away any of the story. I highly recommend this book.
I was given this book from Revell a division of Baker Publishing Group and was not required to give a positive review.
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
God & Churchill by Jonathan Sandys & Wallace Henley
"God & Churchill" by Jonathan Sandys & Wallace Henley is about Churchill's relationship with God and his life. I am not into military biographies and to be honest this one was big on the military information. I know you ask why did I request to review it then because my oldest is a big Churchill fan and I wanted to bless him with this book. He will love it as he is a huge military and Churchill fan while someone like me not really. It was very heavy on the military information but I did enjoy reading about Churchill's take on Hitler. Another fun part of this book was that it was written by a Great Grandson of Churchill, so it adds into things from the what was known about him from his family. Overall this book is a wonderful book for Churchill fans or even military history fans. But if you are not one of them then its not for you. I will recommend this book as it is very well written and has a lot of great history in it.
I was given this book from Tyndale Publishers for my honest review and was not required to give a positive review.
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Q&A a day for Creatives an art journal
"Q&A a day for Creatives" is a 4 year journal of sketches. The journal is laid out in away that each day of the year (it even has February 29th for leap years) has 4 boxes for each year with an idea for you to use to sketch. I am excited to get started on this journal. I have been wanting to get back into drawing for awhile now and this was the perfect way to encourage myself to do. I think it is a great way to see your progress each year in your drawing abilities or your different ideas for each year. I will warn you though the squares are not huge but still gives you a good amount of space for creativity. Also the paper is heavier than normal book paper but not really thick enough if you want to use markers in it. The suggestion they give are fun like, practice your graffiti stylings. There might be others that I don't have any interest in doing but there is space to write your own suggestion below their suggestion without wasting space in your drawing square. This is a fun book that I suggest you get if you would like to get back into your creativity mood or just for fun for anyone.
I was given this book from Blogging for Books for my honest review and was not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from Blogging for Books for my honest review and was not required to give a positive review.
Sunday, October 18, 2015
The Boy Born Dead by David Ring with John Driver & David Wideman
"The Boy Born Dead" by David Ring with John Driver & David Wideman is the story of David Ring who literally was born dead and his tragic life story until God got a hold of him. David was literally born dead there was no life for 18 minutes but he survived but not without the ramifications of cerebral palsy. David was born in the early 50's and for those who don't know much about the history of how people with disabilities were treated in our society it was not always good but David's mother was a fighter and she fought for him. However when David was 14 almost 15 his mother died of cancer and that's when the worst abuse happened to David. I don't want to give away to much of the story but I will say that it dwells into abuse not at the hands of a man but of a woman. As a society we have a tendency to forget that women can be just as abusive (in all ways including sexual) as men. This book was wrote not with a sensational twist to it but as the truth lived by David and how God rescued him from a path of death to a path of life. David's transformation is so very powerful I had never heard his story before and this was a blessing for me to read. I will add the author also did something that I truly enjoyed which was that when it would have been David speaking he wrote his word just like he would speak them which was not speech patterns. I felt like I was actually hearing David Ring speak. I highly recommend this book for anyone to read.
I was given this book from BakerBooks a division of Baker Publishing Group and was not required to give a positive review.
Saturday, October 17, 2015
The Road To Becoming by Jenny Simmons
"The Road To Becoming" by Jenny Simmons is more of a memoir of the author's life not so much of a book to encourage you in the Christian life. This book was all over the place I was not expecting a memoir but that is what I got from it. I am not up to date on Christian bands so I had never heard of her bad Addison Road but that is beside the point. I had a hard time reading this book as it was all over the place to me. The biggest part that bothered me is that she seemed to be completely upset that her Christian life was a bed of roses. I wanted to yell at times have you not read the scripture where it says in the world you will have tribulation. In context (Matthew 16:31-33 Jesus answered them, "Do you now believe? Indeed the hour is coming, yes, has now come, that you will be scattered, each to his own, and will leave Me alone. And yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me. These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the World"). I doesn't me that we have overcame the world but Jesus has. Yes I understand she went through a lot but it was hard to read the non-stop complaining. I think it really got me was when she said there is no beauty in a desert. I know even the deserts of my life I have seen the beauty not right then but later on I can see it but she does not seem to see beauty in her trials. I just could not get passed her negativity. Also she reference the gospel but really never shared it. So I cannot recommend this book.
I was given this book fro BakerBooks a division of Baker Publishing Group and was not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book fro BakerBooks a division of Baker Publishing Group and was not required to give a positive review.
Monday, October 5, 2015
"Making It Home" by Emily T. Wierenga
"Making It Home" by Emily T. Wierenga is a book about the authors different stages in her life. I don't know why I chose this book to review I did not like one of her other books but I probable thought maybe I would like this one but I didn't at all. I had a hard time getting into this book. Plus some of her theology just did not seem good not sure how to expand on it but just seemed off. Also the way the author wrote the book I just felt if I knew her in real life I would probable avoid her as she seemed like the type that gets offended very easily. Seriously I am having a hard time just writing a non positive review of this book cause I feel if she reads it she might get offended and play this person is mean thing cause they didn't like my book. It was all over the place in the writing but I will say that it was an quick and easy read once I could get into it. I have no recommendation for this book.
I was given this book from BakerBooks a division of Baker Publishing Group for my honest review and was not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from BakerBooks a division of Baker Publishing Group for my honest review and was not required to give a positive review.
Sunday, September 27, 2015
The Lost Heiress by Roseanna M. White
"The Lost Heiress" by Roseanna M. White is about Brook Eden who at first thinks she is a nobody but thanks to her friend Justin finds out she is an heiress but the strangeness of her mother's death when she was an infant haunts her. The book takes place in the early 1900's in Monaco and England. I love historical novels so that is why I chose this one. The first little bit delves into the budding romance that you know that is there between Brook and Justin but they don't realize its their. But the rest of the book is about why was Brook missing and the truth behind her mother's death. This book tuned out to be a excellent mystery novel with romance as the side portion. As soon as I picked it up I could not put down the story is so intriguing and the characters are very well developed. Even the back story of some of the side characters was well thought out. I really enjoyed this book and I really want to say more but if I do I will give away the story and I don't want to do that. I highly recommend this book.
I was given this book from Bethany House Publishers for my honest review and was not required to give a positive review.
Monday, September 21, 2015
The Memory Weaver by Jane Kirkpatrick
"The Memory Weaver" by Jane Kirkpatrick is the author's latest historical novel this one about Eliza Spalding Warren who as a child was taken hostage by the Cayuse Indians during a massacre in 1847. After the death of her mother when she was a teen we start read about Eliza's current life, her memories of being taken captive and her mother's recollection of the events that her mother wrote in a diary. I am a big fan of Jane Kirkpatrick she is an excellent write of historical fiction. I love how she researches her main characters true history and intertwines it with her imagination so much so that I sometimes forget that I am reading a fictional novel. This was yet another book that I just could not put down. The powerful story of Eliza Spalding Warren is such a good one that I am having a hard time writing this review as I don't want to give away much of the story. Now I will admit I did not know anything of the Eliza's story so that for me made this book even more interesting. I think this one would be very good book for any high school girls studying about Oregon and missionaries in the 1800's. Eliza's quick decisions on marriage shows so much of what can happen in rash decisions both good and bad. Life does not always turn out how we thought it would turn out when we are teenagers and this book really highlights that. I will say though if you are not very religious or a Christian this novel of Jane Kirkpatrick has the most Christianity in it than any other of her novels but that is understandable since a lot of it takes place around missionaries. I highly recommend it as it is a very good novel that will intrigue you more on the story of Eliza Spalding Warren.
I was given this book from Revell a division of Baker Publishing Group for my honest review and not required to give a positive review.
Blessed Blessed Blessed by Missy Robertson
"Blessed Blessed Blessed" by Missy Robertson is the story of her and Jase Robertson's life before their daughter Mia for a short part of the book while the rest is on the powerful story of Mia born with a cleft palate and lip. This book came in the mail just at the right time for me as we were just getting ready to go to our states children's hospital to have a medical test done on our son that could have been very serious (turned out to be nothing but a fluke in the testing at our local clinic). This book was so powerful and uplifting I really could not put it down. I really enjoyed Missy's honesty on how she felt and how Jase reacted to everything that they have lived thru in their married life with their children. She was very open and honest on the feelings during all of Mia's surgeries and obstacles in life. Mia is such a treasure and blessing to her family and community, I really can't wait to see where God's plan for her as an adult is. She is such a strong young girl with a great attitude her family is so blessed by her. I think the most powerful part of the book though was when Missy talks about having to grieve that their life and Mia's life will not be the normal that society expects as norm. And then to accept their new normal in life. For us parents that deal with health issues that are not always the norm in society that was so helpfully knowing how someone else also felt. This is a very powerful book and I highly recommend it.
I was given this book from Tyndale Publishers for my honest review and was not required to give a positive review.
Sunday, September 6, 2015
The Original Jesus by Daniel Darling
"The Original Jesus" by Daniel Darling is a book about tearing down the myths our society has created about Jesus. This author does not mix words and is willing to tear down Christian society sacred cows. What do I mean by sacred cows I mean the attitude such as Jesus would be a conservative Republican or a liberal democrat (it always was interesting to me that people think he would be either one). In other words beliefs that people will argue with you over even though they can't back it with Scripture. He also goes after the super popular word of faith or otherwise known as the name it claim Jesus. Or the Dr. Phil Jesus which is the Jesus that will make your life better and not about salvation from sin. He really tears into the false Jesus's the American church as build up which I was very thankful that he did. But I will call irony on one of the recommendation on the back of the book which is the recommendation of Jim Daly president of Focus On The Family. They are well known for at times pushing a conservative Republican Dr. Phil type Jesus so the irony of that just go to me. I will add that book was good but could have been better if he would have added more scriptures on the true Jesus of the Bible but I am glad he pushes/points the reader to search the scripture not man's opinion of Jesus. I will recommend this book but also seek the scriptures more than any man's book.
I was given this book from BakerBooks a division of Baker Publishing Group.
Friday, September 4, 2015
Born To Be Awkward by Mike Bender & Doug Chernack
"Born To Be Awkward" by Mike Bender and Doug Chernack is a book of photos of awkward baby photos from the awkward family photos website. Overall this book was so adorable with the cute photos and silly photos of babies. I love how photos don't always go the way the photographer wanted especially with babies. I learned to love odd baby photos as when my youngest was a baby he would make sure and poop so bad that we had to change his outfits from the one I likes to one that I did not like as much. So baby photos that are not overly staged and show the baby's personality are fun. Another fun feature of this book as the last chapter was set up for you to add your own fun photos into. Now there were some things I did not enjoy about this book which were a baby looking at a playboy sorry but no. Then I am also just not a fan of photos of babies looking like they are flipping off the camera so no for me on those. Other than that it was very cute little book for a quick read. I so I do recommend it over all mainly on the cuteness factor.
I was given this book from Blogging For Books for my honest review.
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
On This Foundation by Lynn Austin
"On This Foundation" by Lynn Austin is the third book in "The Restoration Chronicles" book series. This one is about Nehemiah going back to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. I enjoy how this author takes what happened in the Bible story and make a story around it. But she does not add or take away from what we know from scripture which is nice. The other major portion of the book is about a wealthy woman Chana and her story of marrying after her first finance died and her love for God and the nation of Israel. Also of the young woman Nava who would becomes the bond servant of Chana's new finance. Lynn Austin as usually writes a very good story while developing the story of side main characters so much that I forget I am reading a fiction novel. The stories of Chana and Nava are so well done I would even like to see more books are just their stories. I really want to say more about their stories but I don't want to give away the book. Lets just say this book really brings the story of the rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem to life. I highly recommend this book and the who Restoration Chronicles series.
I was given this Advanced Reader Copy from Net Galley for my honest review.
Monday, August 31, 2015
The Paranormal Conspiracy by Timothy Dailey
"The Paranormal Conspiracy" by Timothy Dailey is a book that says it tells the truth about paranormal things. I am so glad I did not buy this book and that I got it for a review as it was the most boring book I have read in a very long time. Ugh I don't even know where to start on why this book was boring. It was wrote like it was a technical essay which if you like that style good for you but I don't. They way he presented information was very odd and I am just not sure why some of his info seemed very stretched in other words to make a chapter to be longer than it needed to be. The only part that I really got a kick out of was when he talked about Bigfoot as someone who lives in the Pacific Northwest we hear about Bigfoot a lot. So that portion I really did enjoy while the rest of the book I wanted to go watch paint dry instead of reading it. Sorry not my cup of tea at all.
I was given this book from Chosen a division of Baker Publishing Group for my honest review.
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Not By Sight by Kate Breslin
"Not By Sight" by Kate Breslin is a about Grace Mabry a wealthy suffragette and Jack Benningham a Earl's son all taking place in 1917 during World War I. Grace give Jack a white feather of cowardice at event not realizing that small event will change both of their lives forever. This is a romance novel however it is also a mystery novel as we find that danger and betrayal are behind the scenes besides the romance portion. There is not that many books out there that take place during World War I so this one intrigued me. I was very glad to have picked the story of Grace and Jack as it turns out to be a story that is about not judging a book by its cover. Their story and others in the story are such a wonderful and fast pace writing that left me not wanting to put down the book. The characters are really well described and developed. It was such a well written book that I could see the story in mind very clearly. If you are a fan of Downton Abbey then I think you will enjoy this book as it takes place in the same time of era that season 2 did. I really want to read more of this author's writing she very talent and really takes her history in books seriously. I highly recommend this book.
I was given this book from Bethany House for my honest review and was not required to give a positive review.
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
People Idol rant
A possible toe stepping or sacred cow killing
post. Please enjoy my spacer photo of the I Love Lucy puzzle my family was working on until we discovered the table we were using was too small for it.
Still here well you can't say you were not warned.
I normally don't put posts about things that are
in the news but a couple lately have been driving me nuts.
First why as Christian are we surprised
when someone who has put themselves out in public as the perfect Christian
person/family has cracks and sin in them. Yes I am referring to the Duggar controversy. No family is perfect
every family will have cracks in them not a one is perfect. I used to
watch them but a couple years ago I got really tired of you must be like us
attitude and that our way is the perfect example for Christian families.
Well I am sorry I look to the scriptures for examples and not a one
family we read in scripture was perfect (not even Jesus's family lineage remember Rahab was a prostitute and she is in his
lineage). We need to stop putting people or families on a pedestal on how we
should live and look to Christ not man as man will fail us I will be
praying for that family like I would for any of the families that will be
touched by the particular website's hack
(no I will not give anymore credence to a filthy sinful website that has been
used by people to sin against God and their spouses).
Second politics yes the other item that can be
part of Christian society idols. You know what I am a conservative but
not a republican (I am an independent). I get so sick of the attitude if
you are a Christian conservative you must be a Republican and vote for anyone
who says they are a Christian. Baloney I will vote my conscience not by
party line. Also I will not vote for a certain people just cause they say they are a
Christian. Not everyone who says they are a Christian is one. I mean really
even the demons know who God is (James 2:19 "You believe that God is one;
you do well. Even the demons believe - and shudder!"), Also
remember what Jesus said in Matthew 7:21-23 " Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom
of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many
will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name,
cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And
then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who
practice lawlessness!’. We are supposed to check what people say to the
word of God. So don't tell me who as a Christian I should vote for or what party I should vote for.
So what is my point? My point is we need to stop grabbing for straws when we hear oh so and so is a Christian. So what, we need to put our eyes and focus on Christ not people that might be just saying they are a Christian to get votes or some other type of power. Stop with the making idols out of people and then get upset when our "heroes" are sinful people. Paul in the scriptures even called himself the chief of sinners (I Timothy 1:15 "This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief.") But also remember this verse I John 1:9-10 " If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and his word is not in us."
Thank you had to get this rant of my chest.
The First Family Detail by Ronald Kessler
"The First Family Detail" by Ronald Kessler is stories from the secret service on behind the scenes of their protecting the first families. I will warn you right from the start this book gets graphic which is why I am calling it a toss up book. I did very much enjoyed to variety of stories of different presidents, vice-presidents, and their families from Johnson all the way to the Obama's. However the sexual details of one president and I am not talking Clinton but Lyndon B. Johnson was tabloid level gross. Some of Clinton's information was that level but not as bad as Johnson. That portion is the part that I did not enjoy at all. I will admit at first I was wondering if this was going to be one sided on the political party side well it was slightly. But the author did equally talk bad about democrat or republican families equally. Now with presidents on the other hand he did lean more positive on the republican party side. I am neither a republican or a democrat so I would had preferred a little less noticeable one-sided attitude with some of the presidents. A good part of this book was good and interesting information on behind the scenes with the secret service but the other part was just tabloid fodder type information. So I cannot recommend or not recommend this book as for me like I said before it was a toss up part good part tabloid.
I was given this book from blogging for books for my honest review and was not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from blogging for books for my honest review and was not required to give a positive review.
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Polish Your Poise with Madame Chic: Lessons in Everyday Elegance by Jennifer L. Scott
"Polish you Poise with Madame Chic" by Jennifer L. Scott is a book about regaining poise (graceful and elegant bearing in a person) in your everyday life. I found this author from who YouTube channel "the daily connoisseur" and was interested in reading one of her books as she is very relatable. I chose this one to read first and it was well worth my time. My style and life is different than the authors but I do love how she wants the reader to be confident with themselves but not stuck up. She really helped me to remember to stand up straight, that nothing is wrong with looking my best everyday and to keep learning. It is a quick read well at least for me but I thoroughly enjoyed it and now want to go read more of her books she has wrote. I highly recommend this book.
I was given this advanced reader copy from Net Galley for my honest review and was not required to give a positive review.
I was given this advanced reader copy from Net Galley for my honest review and was not required to give a positive review.
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Through Waters Deep by Sarah Sundin
"Through Waters Deep" by Sarah Sundin is a romance mystery that takes place pre World War II. From high school friends Mary Stirling who is a Navy secretary and Jim Avery a naval officer who fall in love as they try to figure out who is sabotaging the new destroyer the USS Atwood. Normally I can't stand romance novels but this one was not as heavy romance as I thought it was going to be. The author did very good job putting details of history that most people don't realize about the history specifically about how Germans were treated on the East Coast. The history and some of the side stories is what I really enjoyed about this book and truthfully even some of the romance portion wasn't too bad. I really enjoyed the character of Mary, she was a really developed character. All the character's in this book we very well developed. This author is a very talented story teller and I would like to read more of her books. I highly recommend this book its a really good historical fiction novel.
I was given this book from Revell a division of Baker Publishing Group for my honest review and was not required to give a positive review.
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Drawing Fire by Janice Cantore
"Drawing Fire" by Janice Cantore is the first in a series called Cold Case Justice. This one is about a police officer Abby Hart investigating a possible serial killer who might be connected to the murder of her parents that happened when she was a small child. I like a good mystery and this one was a good mystery. The story was not all over the place like some mysteries can be. It was a very well done and believable story. It was a faced pace book but not so fast paced that it you get lost. This was a very well written book and would not mind reading the next book. Also most of the mystery is taken care of in this book so I am not sure what the next book will bring. Yes I am being very vague on the book as I don't want to give away any of the story, I want you to read it for yourself. I do recommend this book for anyone you likes a good mystery.
I was given this book from Tyndale Publisher for my honest review and was not required to give a positive review.
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
All About Spelling Curriculum
All About Spelling is a wonderful homeschooling curriculum that I am happy to say that I have decided to sign up for their affiliate program. I would not being doing this if I did not love this program. It has not only helped my youngest to learn spelling better but it also helps me and my husband. Spelling has always been a weakness of mine and it is improving thanks to this curriculum which uses phonics to teach spelling. It is not a workbook based curriculum that just gives you spelling words but a way to learn spelling by sound. It is very good for children that don't just learn by hearing but also touch and listening. If you are ordering use my link All About Spelling. Thanks!
Keep Moving: And Other Tips About Old Age by Dick Van Dyke
"Keep Moving" by Dick Van Dyke is a book of tips and truths about aging. I know I am not that old being in my late 30's well that is not being that old to any in their 30's and above but I still wanted to read this book. I am big fan of Dick Van Dyke he has been one my favorite actors for years so I wanted to read this on his tips aging since he seems to be so young acting at the age of 89. This book was not just tips but also stories from his life. Two of his biggest tips are keep moving and don't stress so much people stress too much today over the smallest things. I learned more about the actor himself besides just tips. I really love is attitude on age is how you feel (well not always physically) not how you act like. No he is not saying act like you are 12 but to be your self and not what society thinks someone your age should act. I highly recommend this book.
I was given this book from Net Galley and Weinstein books for my honest review and was not required to give a positive review.
Monday, August 3, 2015
Hope Harbor by Irene Hannon
"Hope Harbor" by Irene Hannon is about Michael Hunter and Tracy Campbell both hurting from loss but learning about each other in Hope Harbor on the Oregon Coast. Yes I know I am not known for picking a book that is an obvious romance based story but any story dealing with the Oregon Coast calls to me. I am familiar with the area the author made her fake town in but the towns around it that she mentions around it are real. The author really captured the area and some of the peoples attitudes. The story was really good also. Yes it was romance but not the over extreme love dovey type I hate. There were a couple side stories in the book that were very good. To me the main point of the book was not romance but forgiveness of others and of your own decisions that may have affected others. One other thing I really did appreciate the author bring about the Oregon Coast was the affliction called S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder) which is very real and in that area it can be very overcast or rainy most of the year but still a beautiful area. This is rarely talked about and I was glad an author brought it up in this novel. Do visit it if you every get a chance. This was a very good book and I do recommend it.
I was given this book from Revell a division of Baker Publishing Group for my honest review.
I was given this book from Revell a division of Baker Publishing Group for my honest review.
Saturday, August 1, 2015
Let's Pretend We're Normal by Tricia Lott Williford
"Let's Pretend We're Normal" by Tricia Lott Williford is a powerful memoir on her life after the unexpected death of her husband. I was very impressed by how honest the author was with her feelings and what happened in her life after her husband's death. This book is very helpful to see how a young widow with two children feels and the issues that can come up from being a young widow. This would be a very comforting book for any young widow especially one with children to know that they are not alone. I am not a young widow but it helped me to understand the feelings that a woman in that situation could be feeling. I wanted to cry for her boys and how much she share of even their feelings of going with life after their dad died. It was very powerful when she said one of her boys wanted her to have a new husband so she would stop crying. This was a very powerful book and I highly recommend it.
I was given this book from Blogging for Books and was not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from Blogging for Books and was not required to give a positive review.
Friday, July 31, 2015
Mormonism 101 by Bill McKeever and Eric Johnson
"Mormonism 101" by Bill MckEever and Eric Johnson is a book about helping you to understand Mormonism. This is not a pro-Mormon book it is a very honest look into Mormonism that holds nothing back. I really appreciated that it compared true Christianity to Mormonism which is its own religion and not Christian. It used Mormon's own doctrine and compared it to scripture like we are supposed to. I was very impressed on the detail the authors went thru for us readers to really understand the Mormons. I highly recommend this book.
I was given this book from BakerBooks for my honest review.
I was given this book from BakerBooks for my honest review.
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Irish Meadows by Susan Anne Mason
"Irish Meadows" by Susan Anne Mason is about two sisters who are meant to marry well and how their choices in life and men will change them forever. I just could not get into this book it was like pulling teeth for me to want to read it every time I would pick it up. I was hoping that the romance potion was only a small portion of a good story but not so with this one the characters love life was the main portion of the story. Also I did not like any of the characters in this book which I have felt that way in books before but I still wanted to read more about them. Not this book I just wanted to put it down and never pick it up again. This book was just not a good book and personally I did not think it was very well written, so I do not recommend it.
I was given this book from Bethany House Publishers for my honest review.
"Laugh Out Loud Pocket Doodles For Boys" by Rob Elliot, Jonny Hawkins
"Laugh Out Loud Pocket Doodles For Boys" by Rob Elliot and Jonny Hawkins is a book geared toward boys to finish some drawings and jokes. My youngest son (age 10) could not put this little book down. He had a lot of fun drawing, finishing jokes and reading their answers to the jokes also. This is a very fun book it is especially good for road trips or when waiting for an appointment. I think it is so good to find something for kids that is not electronic for them to do when having to wait a long time and this does it. They have one geared toward girls also but I have sons so I am not sure on the girl one. I highly recommend this very fun little book geared toward boys.
I was given this book from Revell a division of Baker Publishing Group for my honest review.
I was given this book from Revell a division of Baker Publishing Group for my honest review.
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom
"The Hiding Place" by Corrie Ten Boom is a true story of not just Corrie but of her sister and father and how they hid Jews from the Nazi's in Holland. I have read this book before but this one is geared more towards children so I wanted to check it out. I really enjoyed this one for kids not only is it wrote for them in a easy flowing way, it had some very nice drawings done of things that happened to Corrie and her family. It does not gloss over what happened to Corrie when her family got caught hiding Jews. Corrie is not perfect she admits that but will point you to Christ not herself. She really points to the fact that Christ is the reason for her strength not herself. I really enjoyed this book and plan on giving it to my youngest to read.
I was given this book from Chosen a division of Baker Publishing Group and was not required to give a positive review.
Thursday, July 9, 2015
Gone Without A Trace by Patricia Bradley
"Gone Without A Trace" by Patricia Bradley is the 3rd in the Logan Point mysteries. The Logan Point mysteries can be read out of order. It involves private investigator named Alex Jennings trying to help find a senator's missing granddaughter and Livy Reynolds a police officer who thinks her cousins disappearance is connected. If you have read any of my reviews previous to this one then you know I read the 2nd book in this series and did not like it. But this one in the series I really enjoyed a lot! At first I thought the book was heading in the typical Christian Mystery Romance style but then about a 1/4 way into it changed into a story I really go into. I can't say what the change was as that would give away a good portion of the story but I could not put it down after the change. I really like how the characters developed and even though I am not a fan of characters changing in mid chapter this one did it very well. It was an overall great book. Even though I have not read the first book in this series I highly recommend you start with this book as it was the best in the portion of the series I have read.
I was given this book from Revell a division of Baker Publishing Group and was not required to give a positive review.
Saturday, July 4, 2015
The Innocent by Ann H. Gabhart
"The Innocent" by Ann Gabhart is about a possible Civil War widow Carolyn Kearney who thinks she has no-where to go but to join the Shakers. While with the Shakers murder starts to surround the peaceful community which sheds a cloud over her but the Sheriff who likes Carolyn wants to find the true killer. This book was very interesting as I did not know much about the Shaker religion. I was worried that it would have been more of a romance novel but it wasn't. It really more about Carolyn coming to terms with her relationship with Christ and coming to terms with may have happened to her husband in the Civil War. I think I was most interested in how the Shaker's were. I had no idea on their false belief it was a very informative book even though it was a fiction book. The author really did her research on their beliefs. The characters in the story we very interesting my only problem was I would have like a little more history on some of the side characters. I will recommend this book as a good book not just for the story but the information on the Shakers.
I was given this book Revell a division of Baker Publishing Group for my honest review.
I was given this book Revell a division of Baker Publishing Group for my honest review.
Monday, June 29, 2015
The Tank Man's Son by Mark Bouman
"The Tank Man's Son" by Mark Bouman is a powerful book on the authors horrific childhood and how God used it for good. This is the first book I have read in my life that had a warning about foul language from a Christian Publisher. This may make some stop and not read it but I know that if we are going to tell our story about life before Christ sometimes we have to use that language when showing what others have done and said to you otherwise I consider it a partial lie and you need to be truthful on how things were. The author's childhood at points did seem like a kids dream (tanks, war games, and free outdoor play) but overall it was a child's nightmare growing up with an extremely abusive neo-nazi dad. The physical abusive that the author went thru just broke my heart reading it but I did not stop reading as I could barely put the book down as I wanted to know how God was going to use this for His glory. The author could have wrote the book in way that would tear his dad to shreds with words. But he didn't he wrote the facts in a way that showed his pain but also how every child does looks up to their father at some point even if its for a small amount of time. He really showed us in words the confusion that went into his mind as a child and even that of his siblings. Also his telling of his mom just made me respect her so much for her strength of what she had to endure and her finally saying enough. But God used all of the nastiness for His glory. Not only did the author come to know Jesus but he and his wife were able to be missionaries during one of Cambodia's darkest times in history. The violence and war life he got from his dad helped him during Cambodia's civil war. But not only that we also read about the redemption and forgiveness of father and son. It is a very powerful story and I plan on keeping this book to re-read or to give to someone who God leads me to that needs to read the story of this man. I highly recommend this book please read it, we need to see how God can take the horrible things in our past and turn them to good for His glory.
I was given this book from Tyndale Publishers and was not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from Tyndale Publishers and was not required to give a positive review.
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Until the Harvest by Sarah Loudin Thomas
"Until The Harvest" by Sarah Loudin Thomas is about Henry Phillips, Mayfair Hoffman and Margaret Hoffman and they their lives work together after the death of Henry's father. After the unexpected death of Henry's father, Henry gets involved with the wrong crowd, while Margaret takes care of Henry's grandmother with her sister Mayfair who people think of as a healer. One note is that this book takes part in the mid 70 which you do have to keep in mind for part of the story. Parts of this book I enjoyed like the characters of Henry, Charlie and Margaret. But the side portion of Mayfair I just did not enjoy at all for most of the book at least to me her character was almost treated like God as being able to heal some people. Near the end faith in Christ is mention but almost like an after thought. Mayfair was given more credit that I would have liked. This book was one I just don't know where I stand with it, if I liked it or hated it. One moment I could not put it down then another moment I did not want to finish it but I did and I still don't know if I like it or not. So I will have to leave my recommendation on this book on the table. In other words I will let you decide if you should read it or not.
I was given this book from Bethany House Publishers and was not required to give a positive review.
Monday, June 22, 2015
In Our Backyard by Nita Belles
"In Our Backyard" by Nita Belles is a book about human trafficking in America not sex trafficking but all kinds of human trafficking. This was a very powerful book, it did not just give you details on human trafficking but also how to help people. I liked how the author wrote about people being trafficked not just sex but in work area also. Also she brings up that a lot of traffickers were victims themselves. Also she brings up that this can happen to anyone in any area or background. Us in small town areas we have a tendency to think oh it can't happen, but its actually more common to have victims come from small areas as they are more trusting. It drives me nuts when people say oh human trafficking only happens in small areas and to kids in troubled families. So not true, victims are from every type of family and community. This author really points that out and I hope it opens the eyes of many people. A lot of this book I already knew but it still informed me on things that I did not know. I highly recommend this book for everyone to read.
I was given this book Baker Books and was not required to give a honest review.
I was given this book Baker Books and was not required to give a honest review.
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27 years ago was the summer before my senior year in high school and I went for a walk that would change my life forever. I just wanted to ...
Ok this is probable the most personal post I have ever written on this blog. After walking the color run this last weekend, I have realiz...
27 years ago was the summer before my senior year in high school and I went for a walk that would change my life forever. I just wanted to ...
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First of all if you want to complain about my grammar then please leave cause I admit it is my weakness in writing. And I bounce between th...