"Fatal Trust" by Todd M. Johnson is about Ian Wells a young attorney trying to keep his dad's office alive while taking care of his mom with Alzheimer's. With all the stress he gets a job that he should turn down but doesn't out of need and this job will shake him to the core while putting him in danger. This was an interesting book at first I did not think I would like it but the more I read the more I could not put it down. I really liked how this book dealt with the sins of the past can affect the future. Also on how greed can make people do horrible things. Ian's character is well developed and really shows his feelings and confusing during the whole story. This was a well written and well paced book that I highly recommend.
I was given this book from Bethany House for free and was not required to give a positive review.
A blog about books and whatever else comes to my mind.
Monday, August 21, 2017
The Real God by Chip Ingram
"The Real God" by Chip Ingram is a book about the seven attributes of God. This was a very interesting and detailed book on God's attributes. Each attribute is well explained and how we are to respond to each attribute. This was a very informative book that I did enjoy except for one thing that seems to be normal thing in these type of books. What is that one item? Well it is the use of multi different versions of the scripture. Why if you are solid in your doctrine do you need to mix the use good translations with bad paraphrases such as the message. The mix of translations and paraphrases always seems to border on the trying to make scripture fit your beliefs. Even with that issue I still recommend this book as it was a good study,
I was given this book from Baker Books for free and not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from Baker Books for free and not required to give a positive review.
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Fault Lines by Thomas Locke
"Fault Lines" by Thomas Locke is a very fast paced book about Charlie Hazard and what happens to him once he meets a mystery woman. This book was so not what I was looking for. I enjoy psychological thrillers but more on the realistic side this one to me was just all over the place. The story was on the extreme not believable side for me. The characters were not likeable or even relatable they were just over done stereotypes I see in a lot of thriller and sci-fi books. The story seemed familiar to others I have read and just not for me. I really never got into it, seriously I just finished cause I was bored if not for that I would finished it. I just can't recommend it.
I was given this book from Revell a division of Baker Publishing Group for free and was not required to give a positive review
I was given this book from Revell a division of Baker Publishing Group for free and was not required to give a positive review
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Chasing Secrets by Lynette Eason
"Chasing Secrets" by Lynette Eason is the fourth book in the Elite Guardians books series. In this book we start in West Ireland with a horrific murder that is unknown on who do it. Well twenty five years later it is still unsolved and as a cold case it is being dug up. Well that puts the life of Haley Callaghan in the United States in danger without her even knowing it. This was very good book and my favorite of the series. We learn more of Haley's past and her heart for people. Also this book really dwells into domestic violence and greed. This was a book that really hit the heartstrings but in a realistic way. There is so much more I can say about this great story but I just don't want to give away the story. So I highly recommend you reading this book and you don't have to read the previous books to understand this one.
I was given this book from Revell a division of Baker Publishing group for free and was not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from Revell a division of Baker Publishing group for free and was not required to give a positive review.
Saturday, August 12, 2017
The Road to Paradise by Karen Barnett
"The Road to Paradise" by Karen Barnett is about two people (Margaret Lane & Forest Ranger Ford Brayden) from way different worlds meeting and trying to save a national forest that they both love while taking place in 1927. I always enjoy historical fiction and this one was very unique in its story. Well the romance portion you could see coming but I have read a historical fiction novel that takes place in a national forest during the 20's. This was a very unique well written story that I could easily picture each scene. Once I started reading I just could not put it down this was a very well written historical fiction. I highly recommend it as I really can't wait to read more of the author's books she is a wonderful writer.
I was given this book from blogging for books for free and not required to give positive review.
I was given this book from blogging for books for free and not required to give positive review.
Thursday, August 10, 2017
Moving Forward by John Siebeling
"Moving Forward" by John Siebeling is about overcoming habits and things that hold your life back. This book was hard to read as it was supposed to be coming from a Christian stand point. But I really did not think it was it seemed more to be a book platitudes that you hear in the secular self help community. Yes there was scripture thru out the book but that does mean it follows the teachings of Christ. Maybe this book could help others it just did encourage me it was more of a self help book than a Christian book on how to focus on Christ and not our selves. Sorry I don't recommend it.
I was given this book from Baker Books for free and was not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from Baker Books for free and was not required to give a positive review.
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Intended For Evil by Les Sillars
"Intended For Evil" by Les Sillars is the story of a survivor of the Cambodian killing fields. How do I describe a book so powerful and disturbing at the same time. I remember in the 80's hearing on the news or reading in the newspaper a tiny bit about the killing fields and the war in Cambodia but did hear much about it. This book should be required reading for anyone that is studying about Cambodia especially of the time of the Khmer Rouge rule. The violence and the pain that Radha Manickam seen and had experienced during his time of this hell was so sad but powerful. Why do I say powerful well he could have become hateful himself but he clung to Christ no matter what was happening to those he loved and others around him. In midst of the nightmare he found love but not by his choice (you must read the book to understand that portion) and was able to become a refugee in America. While in America he became Pastor and went back to Cambodia to help those that were left behind. I just can't say how much I recommend this book as it is powerful on how a person can cling to Christ even in the worst of situations. I highly highly recommend it and as a homeschool mom I will be requiring it to be read by my son when he is in high school (I say high school because of the horrific things Radha describes that happened are not for the faint of heart but they do need to be told).
I was given this book from Baker Books for free and was not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from Baker Books for free and was not required to give a positive review.
Beloved Hope by Tracie Peterson
"Beloved Hope" by Tracie Peterson is the second book in the Heart of the Frontier series and this one is about the middle sister Hope. This book series is so powerful that I can't wait for the next one (I know there will be as it is set up to have a third book.) In this book we find more of the story of Hope who seen her love of her life murdered during the Whitman massacre and raped while being captive now she is having to testify against the leaders and her rapist. While she is healing from this her pain we find soldier Lance Kenner healing from his past and what starts as friendship well you kinda know where it will go. Normally I can't stand romance but this one was not so much about romance as it was about healing and forgiveness. The author really portrays the anger and pain that hope has experienced in such a way you think you are reading someones actual diary from the Whitman massacre. Also we see more of the youngest sister's story also which is where I assume the next book will pick up from. I want to say so much more about the story but if I do I will give it away so I won't. Once I picked up this book I really could not put it down it is that good. The story is so powerful and I highly recommend it.
I was given this book from Bethany House for free and not required to give a positive review.
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27 years ago was the summer before my senior year in high school and I went for a walk that would change my life forever. I just wanted to ...
Ok this is probable the most personal post I have ever written on this blog. After walking the color run this last weekend, I have realiz...
27 years ago was the summer before my senior year in high school and I went for a walk that would change my life forever. I just wanted to ...
"The Life Giving Home, Creating A Place of Belonging & Becoming" by Sally & Sarah Clarkson is about creating a peacef...
First of all if you want to complain about my grammar then please leave cause I admit it is my weakness in writing. And I bounce between th...