"Punderdome" is a card game that is all about puns. What is a pun you may ask well it is the humorous use of a word or phrase so that it suggests different meanings or applications or using words that are alike or nearly alike in sound but different in meaning in another words a play on words. Short and skinny version of how the games work is you have a white topic card and a green situation card one of each is chosen by the prompter who chooses from either 2 or more people who comes up with the best pun. The person who comes up with the most won puns by the end of the game wins. Here is an example of a pun that could be used in the game. I am Poe at working out. The topic was poetry and the situation was working out. They don't have to be good and trust I love puns but I am not good at making them. This is a very fun and challenging game I think its really good in a get to know each group setting. I highly recommend this game for a fun group get together.
P.S. the only thing I would change though is don't use the amount of 90 seconds like they recommend as that is too hard give people some more time than 90 seconds.
P.S. the only thing I would change though is don't use the amount of 90 seconds like they recommend as that is too hard give people some more time than 90 seconds.
I was given this book from Blogging For Books for my honest review and was not required to give a positive review.