A blog about books and whatever else comes to my mind.
Saturday, October 31, 2015
The Super Mom Myth by Becky Kopitzke
"The Super Mom Myth" by Becky Koptizke is about the myth's of motherhood. This book was not quite what I thought it was going to be for example perfection mom's and such. However it was even better than I had imagined. I really enjoyed how the author brought up things that are actually the side affects of us trying to be a super mom (she calls them villains of motherhood) such as being a grouch and worry. The author not only tells us details of these villains but also how to get rid or lower our life with them. If you are not a Christian and are not open to the Bible you will not like this book as the author uses the scripture to back what she is saying. I appreciate her use of the scriptures and I also appreciate that she doesn't give us much advice on children that are above the age of her children. That is very nice because if someone has not raised a teenager for example I have hard time taking advice from them about teenagers but I will still listen. This was a good book on remembering that we need to draw our strength as mothers from God not from others. I highly recommend this book.
I was given this book from Net Galley and was not required to give a positive review.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
The Time Chamber by Daria Song
"The Time Chamber" by Daria Song is the second in a series of coloring books geared towards adults. Now I know what you are thinking a coloring book. However this not just any coloring book it has a little story that combines with the coloring pages. Not every page has words on but the pictures help tell the story. I love how I can color the pictures for the story and make it my own. The paper is thick enough that if you want to use markers you can and it won't bleed through (at least the crayola markers I used did not bleed thru). The designs are very detail so this is definitely not a children's coloring book so you will need to take your time with all the details. It is a beautiful coloring book and I look forward to the free time I will be using to color in it. I highly recommend it as a fun spare time book as it is a great way to influence your creative side.
I was given this book from blogging for books and was not required to give a positive review.
Saturday, October 24, 2015
A Reason To Stay by Kellie Coates Gilbert
"A Reason To Stay" by Kellie Coates Gilbert is the third book in the Texas Gold novel
series. Don't worry each book in the series is a stand alone book not really even connected but all are a story that takes place in Texas. I have read one of the previous books and really enjoyed. Now this one was good but not great. The story involves Faith Marin a TV reporter and her husband a pro fisherman. It bounces between the past and current days while Faith deals with a traumatic brain injury and her relationship with her husband. This book at times rubbed me the wrong way I just did not understand the obsessive deal of pointing out name brands and wealth. Maybe its cause I have never lived in area where that is common but it just did not sit well with me. It was a fast paced novel that was well written but I could just not relate to it. Now I will admit I was interested in learning more of the history of Faith which in the book is not revealed much but enough that you get an idea of it. I wouldn't mind a book about her past. But this book was just not for me. If I say too much about the book it will give away too much of the story. I will recommend it if you want a book with a good story on a non perfect marriage and how our past can hurt our present.
I was given this book from Revell a division of Baker Publishing Group and was not required to give a positive review.
series. Don't worry each book in the series is a stand alone book not really even connected but all are a story that takes place in Texas. I have read one of the previous books and really enjoyed. Now this one was good but not great. The story involves Faith Marin a TV reporter and her husband a pro fisherman. It bounces between the past and current days while Faith deals with a traumatic brain injury and her relationship with her husband. This book at times rubbed me the wrong way I just did not understand the obsessive deal of pointing out name brands and wealth. Maybe its cause I have never lived in area where that is common but it just did not sit well with me. It was a fast paced novel that was well written but I could just not relate to it. Now I will admit I was interested in learning more of the history of Faith which in the book is not revealed much but enough that you get an idea of it. I wouldn't mind a book about her past. But this book was just not for me. If I say too much about the book it will give away too much of the story. I will recommend it if you want a book with a good story on a non perfect marriage and how our past can hurt our present.
I was given this book from Revell a division of Baker Publishing Group and was not required to give a positive review.
Friday, October 23, 2015
Vendetta by Lisa Harris
"Vendetta" by Lisa Harris is the first in the mystery series The Nikki Boyd Files. I love a good mystery novel and Lisa Harris does not disappoint. It was finally a good mystery where romance was not the main point the mystery was. It involves Nikki Boyd who works for the Tennessee Missing Persons Task Force who wants to make sure families don't like she does with her sister missing for over 10 years. The story involves a new missing girl case that is very similar to her sister's case and if the suspect is after Nikki or just to mess with her mind. Once I started reading this book I just could not put it down it is a very fast paced novel which is what I enjoy. They only issue I had with it was at times the back story of some of the main characters made me feel like I had not read a previous book in the series even though this is the first book in the series. Other than that it is a very good mystery and I don't want to give away any of the story. I highly recommend this book.
I was given this book from Revell a division of Baker Publishing Group and was not required to give a positive review.
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
God & Churchill by Jonathan Sandys & Wallace Henley
"God & Churchill" by Jonathan Sandys & Wallace Henley is about Churchill's relationship with God and his life. I am not into military biographies and to be honest this one was big on the military information. I know you ask why did I request to review it then because my oldest is a big Churchill fan and I wanted to bless him with this book. He will love it as he is a huge military and Churchill fan while someone like me not really. It was very heavy on the military information but I did enjoy reading about Churchill's take on Hitler. Another fun part of this book was that it was written by a Great Grandson of Churchill, so it adds into things from the what was known about him from his family. Overall this book is a wonderful book for Churchill fans or even military history fans. But if you are not one of them then its not for you. I will recommend this book as it is very well written and has a lot of great history in it.
I was given this book from Tyndale Publishers for my honest review and was not required to give a positive review.
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Q&A a day for Creatives an art journal
"Q&A a day for Creatives" is a 4 year journal of sketches. The journal is laid out in away that each day of the year (it even has February 29th for leap years) has 4 boxes for each year with an idea for you to use to sketch. I am excited to get started on this journal. I have been wanting to get back into drawing for awhile now and this was the perfect way to encourage myself to do. I think it is a great way to see your progress each year in your drawing abilities or your different ideas for each year. I will warn you though the squares are not huge but still gives you a good amount of space for creativity. Also the paper is heavier than normal book paper but not really thick enough if you want to use markers in it. The suggestion they give are fun like, practice your graffiti stylings. There might be others that I don't have any interest in doing but there is space to write your own suggestion below their suggestion without wasting space in your drawing square. This is a fun book that I suggest you get if you would like to get back into your creativity mood or just for fun for anyone.
I was given this book from Blogging for Books for my honest review and was not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from Blogging for Books for my honest review and was not required to give a positive review.
Sunday, October 18, 2015
The Boy Born Dead by David Ring with John Driver & David Wideman
"The Boy Born Dead" by David Ring with John Driver & David Wideman is the story of David Ring who literally was born dead and his tragic life story until God got a hold of him. David was literally born dead there was no life for 18 minutes but he survived but not without the ramifications of cerebral palsy. David was born in the early 50's and for those who don't know much about the history of how people with disabilities were treated in our society it was not always good but David's mother was a fighter and she fought for him. However when David was 14 almost 15 his mother died of cancer and that's when the worst abuse happened to David. I don't want to give away to much of the story but I will say that it dwells into abuse not at the hands of a man but of a woman. As a society we have a tendency to forget that women can be just as abusive (in all ways including sexual) as men. This book was wrote not with a sensational twist to it but as the truth lived by David and how God rescued him from a path of death to a path of life. David's transformation is so very powerful I had never heard his story before and this was a blessing for me to read. I will add the author also did something that I truly enjoyed which was that when it would have been David speaking he wrote his word just like he would speak them which was not speech patterns. I felt like I was actually hearing David Ring speak. I highly recommend this book for anyone to read.
I was given this book from BakerBooks a division of Baker Publishing Group and was not required to give a positive review.
Saturday, October 17, 2015
The Road To Becoming by Jenny Simmons
"The Road To Becoming" by Jenny Simmons is more of a memoir of the author's life not so much of a book to encourage you in the Christian life. This book was all over the place I was not expecting a memoir but that is what I got from it. I am not up to date on Christian bands so I had never heard of her bad Addison Road but that is beside the point. I had a hard time reading this book as it was all over the place to me. The biggest part that bothered me is that she seemed to be completely upset that her Christian life was a bed of roses. I wanted to yell at times have you not read the scripture where it says in the world you will have tribulation. In context (Matthew 16:31-33 Jesus answered them, "Do you now believe? Indeed the hour is coming, yes, has now come, that you will be scattered, each to his own, and will leave Me alone. And yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me. These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the World"). I doesn't me that we have overcame the world but Jesus has. Yes I understand she went through a lot but it was hard to read the non-stop complaining. I think it really got me was when she said there is no beauty in a desert. I know even the deserts of my life I have seen the beauty not right then but later on I can see it but she does not seem to see beauty in her trials. I just could not get passed her negativity. Also she reference the gospel but really never shared it. So I cannot recommend this book.
I was given this book fro BakerBooks a division of Baker Publishing Group and was not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book fro BakerBooks a division of Baker Publishing Group and was not required to give a positive review.
Monday, October 5, 2015
"Making It Home" by Emily T. Wierenga
"Making It Home" by Emily T. Wierenga is a book about the authors different stages in her life. I don't know why I chose this book to review I did not like one of her other books but I probable thought maybe I would like this one but I didn't at all. I had a hard time getting into this book. Plus some of her theology just did not seem good not sure how to expand on it but just seemed off. Also the way the author wrote the book I just felt if I knew her in real life I would probable avoid her as she seemed like the type that gets offended very easily. Seriously I am having a hard time just writing a non positive review of this book cause I feel if she reads it she might get offended and play this person is mean thing cause they didn't like my book. It was all over the place in the writing but I will say that it was an quick and easy read once I could get into it. I have no recommendation for this book.
I was given this book from BakerBooks a division of Baker Publishing Group for my honest review and was not required to give a positive review.
I was given this book from BakerBooks a division of Baker Publishing Group for my honest review and was not required to give a positive review.
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Thoughts on my hubby
27 years ago was the summer before my senior year in high school and I went for a walk that would change my life forever. I just wanted to ...
Ok this is probable the most personal post I have ever written on this blog. After walking the color run this last weekend, I have realiz...
27 years ago was the summer before my senior year in high school and I went for a walk that would change my life forever. I just wanted to ...
"The Life Giving Home, Creating A Place of Belonging & Becoming" by Sally & Sarah Clarkson is about creating a peacef...
First of all if you want to complain about my grammar then please leave cause I admit it is my weakness in writing. And I bounce between th...