Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Counter Culture by David Platt

"Counter Culture" by David Platt is his newest book on not going along with the culture on hot topics in society such as poverty, same-sex marriage, abortion, and more.  Until this book I have never read a David Platt book but I had heard of him. Truthfully, I am always leery of a new popular author. I was afraid that it was going to head towards the attitude if you don't do what I say then you are not a Christian.  The author did not do this however at first it did start to seem like it was going to head that way especially in the poverty section but then the author clarified things for me/  Clarification was that we need to listen to the Lord for our convictions not others convictions if its not a black and white section in scripture such as our lifestyle.  The main thing is that we need to seek God's kingdom first not earthly things which does not mean you have to be in poverty yourself.  Ok onto to other sections the author does not mix words on abortion, homosexuality, pornography or any other sections he talks about.  I was really appreciative that when he talked about homosexuality he did not just blow off heterosexual sins either he point that them out also.  Another section he talks about is persecution in other countries that result in death, raped or maimed and not just the American attitude of I am persecuted cause I can't say Merry Christmas.  This book could be considered a controversial book but I thoroughly enjoyed it.  Above all the author reminds us to follow God's word and not our opinions.  Also that if our opinions or culture don't line up with scripture then our opinions need to change and we need to forget what our culture says if its not lining up with scripture.  I highly recommend this book its a very good read.

I was given this book by Tyndale Publisher and was not required to give a positive review.

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