Yep toe stepping time
You have been warned if you keep reading then you are entering the world of my thoughts so be prepared I have a tendency to not sugar coat things.
1. Feelings.
Lately I have been realizing that in Christian circles going off our feelings is being taught its the right thing to do and in some circles the only way to live. I don't see that in scripture except in bad ways. Eve felt that the serpent was correct and David went off of his feelings for Bathesheba. The bereans were not more noble cause they went by their feelings but that they studied the scriptures. Not everything we go thru in this life is supposed to make us feel good. Look in scriptures Jesus says that if they hated him that they will hate us. Does that make you feel good if you are honest probable not knowing that people will hate you. I have heard people say about people teaching false things it made me feel good so I don't need to check it out. Or I have a peace about it so I don't need to take it to scriptures why not just cause you have a peace about it does not make an item true it may be a false peace. Satan does not come to us as an obvious bad guy/teaching. So just cause it feels good (that makes me think of the attitude I heard/read about of the sixties that if it feels good do it) does not mean its Biblical.
2. Christian Fads.
In Matthew 24 we have Jesus talking about what the end times will be like. Specifically in Matthew 24:23- 26 "Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. 24 For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. 25 See, I have told you beforehand. 26 So, if they say to you, ‘Look, he is in the wilderness,’ do not go out. If they say, ‘Look, he is in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it." I have been thinking a lot lately that we see this attitude a lot not just with people saying they are Jesus but with other things. What do I mean? I mean things like movies, books, and music where people say stuff like Jesus is in this movie, book or song go to see it, read it or listen to it. Why do I have to see Jesus in the movie, book (except the Bible) or song, why not in His word like he says to look. People sometimes wonder why I am not a big fan of modern Christian music that's because when I take a lot of it to the scriptures I don't find the Christ of the Bible. People are shocked when I say I take songs to the scripture now I am not saying we should only sing hymn some of them are just as bad if not worse than some modern songs. I am just saying check it with scripture. We as conservative Christian have a tendency to laugh at people who see Jesus in a piece of toast or a tomato but as a whole we do the same with movies and songs even if had we taken it to scripture we would find that he may not be in that song, movie or book. So if you ask me to go to a movie, read a book or listen to song cause it says its Christian I might say no thanks please don't be offended. Now don't get me wrong I am not saying Christian music or movies or books are wrong. What I am saying is that they need to be taken to scripture more intensely than a secular song or movie. A secular song or movie was not made to lead you to Christ so you can't expect it to be Biblical. But when something says its Christian check it out with scripture. As it may be pointing you to a false Christ and not the Christ of the Bible so we need to be extra careful with what supposed Christian things we turn to.
A blog about books and whatever else comes to my mind.
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Not A Chance by RC Sproul
"Not A Chance" by R.C. Sproul and Keith Mathison is book about how we can't believe things in science just happened by chance but that they were created and design by God. If you are not familiar with R.C. Sproul you will know that his books are not easy to read and this one is no exception. This book was one of the hardest books of R.C. Sprouls to read as it is not just a theological book but a scientific book at the same time. Now I know some of you will say oh he just uses the Bible to prove his point well yes he does that but also uses science and scientist to prove his viewpoint. I highly recommend this book but be warned it is not a fast read.
I was given this book from Baker Books a division of Baker Publishing Group for my honest review and was not required to give a positive review.
The Bible's Answers to 100 of Life's Biggest Questions by Norman Geisler & Jason Jimenez
"The Bible's Answers to 100 of Life's Biggest Questions" by Norman L. Geisler & Jason Jimenez is book about common questions people ask about life such as Why are we born into sin and many other questions. I liked how the authors answered the questions, then gave application, then Bible references and recommend books on the subject. What I did not really enjoy was that the answers at times seemed very short and could have been longer. I would have rather had this book in a multiple of series of books with longer answers than short answers in one book. This book to me was not geared towards unbelievers but to believers that have questions. So if you were thinking these would be great for your unbelieving friend or family member stay clear its more to answer a believers questions. So I recommend it but be warned the answers were on the short side.
I was given this book from Baker Books a division of Baker Publishing Group for my honest review and was not required to give a positive review
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
You Can't Text A Tough Conversation by Mike Bechtle
"You Can't Text A Tough Conversation" by Mike Bechtle is a book about real conversations not just a quick texting type relationships. I was not sure what to expect with this book. I was interested to see if the author was going to do like some people do which is paint new technology with its all bad brush. He does not do this at all he shows and talks about how we need to have a healthy respect for technology ie phones and social media, etc. One of the points I really liked was his reminder that when we write something on the Internet we need to remember would we say these things to the person if they were right in front of us. Also I liked how he reminds us that an in person conversation will be better to understand what person meant with their comments than a text or facebook post. As those do not show angry or misunderstanding in their weird like a in person conversation can clarify our conversation. It was a hard book for me to read for some reason but that was me. I still recommend it as it was a good book on remembering to focus on people in person more than just on a screen.
I was given this book Revell a division of Baker Publishing Group for my honest review and was not required to give a positive review.
"Welcome To Hidden Springs-Murder At The Courthouse" by A.H. Gabhart
"Murder at the Courthouse" by A.H. Gabhart is a murder mystery novel that is the first in the Hidden Springs Mystery novel series. It takes place in a very small little sleepy town which turns out not to be so sleepy when a murder happens on the steps of the courthouse. The deputy sheriff Michael Keane was looking forward to being a police officer in a quiet nothing happening town and that is not what he gets. Since this is a mystery and I don't want to give away any of the story I am going to be very vague on this review. I really thought the characters were well developed except I kinda wish there was more on the nosy older woman that it starts with maybe we will see more of her in the next book. I have to admit as I was reading this book I kept visualizing Mayberry since that is what I first thought of when I read a small southern town. I really liked how the author does not make small towns out to be these little perfect towns they are so not perfect. This was good overall murder mystery and I highly recommend it.
I was given this book from Revell a division of Baker Publishing Group and was not required to give a positive review.
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
God's Smuggler by Brother Andrew
"God's Smuggler" by Brother Andrew is about the Bible smuggler Brother Andrew who started smuggling Bibles behind Communist lines in the 1950's. This book was very powerful on how Brother Andrew followed God's leading in all parts of his life from his marriage to who to talk about God to. This book was very easy to read but a well written book. I also enjoyed the pictures of the author doing his work. This is a newer expanded edition which also talks about the author bringing the scripture to the Muslims. I am glad the author reminds us that God is not going to always call us to a comfortable and easy life. We are going to have trouble and things are not always easy nor should they be. The author's witness points us always to Christ and not himself. We need to remember that as we do what God asks us to do. I highly recommend this book for anyone to read.
I was given the book from Chosen Book Publishers and was not required to give a positive review.
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27 years ago was the summer before my senior year in high school and I went for a walk that would change my life forever. I just wanted to ...
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27 years ago was the summer before my senior year in high school and I went for a walk that would change my life forever. I just wanted to ...
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