Quick Summary
Real by Jamie Snyder is a good book about asking the question of are you Sunday only Christian or do you live the faith everyday. It dwells in many different subjects around our faith in Jesus from our joy, generosity, our love for others and more. At the end of each chapter is some questions that you can answer for discussion or more reflection and a prayer at the end of the chapter.
My thoughts
Now I have to admit at first I was not sure if I would enjoy this book but I really did. Mr. Snyder really asks and makes you think about are a Sunday Christian in other words if someone seen you outside of church on Sunday would they know that you are a Christian. I have to agree with the question cause sometimes it seems like our attitudes are lets hid up in our Churches and hide our faith the rest of the week. That is wrong when there are Christians in other countries that are dying just cause they are Christian and I mean dying not just oh they called you name. He wrote one thing that really stood out to me and I realized he so correct. He said, "Why is it that some of the same people who once ran hard and fast toward Jesus in the Gospels are now running equally hard and fast away from Jesus' church?" The prostitutes, the tax-collector, the people who society called low used to run to Jesus now if you say that you are a Christian they usually run from you as they figure they will be judged and not shown Jesus' love. We need to remember as church to love others not just hole ourselves up with others who act just like us. Will you show love to person not dressed like you, the homeless, the mentally ill, the smoker, who comes to your church or you see every day or will you ignore or look down on them? This book really reminded me to show Christ love to everyone especially the ones that are hard to love or society says they are hard to love. I recommend this book highly.
I received this book from BethanyHouse publishing for my honest review and was not required to give a positive review.