Friday, July 26, 2013

Wings Of Glass By Gina Holmes powerful book

Wings Of Glass by Gina Holmes is a powerful book. But it is not for women that have been physically abused as it may bring back bad memories. This book is a good insight into a woman in an abusive relationship.  It was very well written I felt like I was reading an actual letter written by an abusive woman to her son.

Its starts with a woman Penny writing a story her and her husband Trent's story to her son so that he can understand his dad and not be like his father. She explains how they met and how he started to abuse here physically and mentally.  She was very dependent on him until he was injured in an accident at work so she has to support the family. She then meets 2 women who help her gain strength in the Lord and make her question the abuse by her husband.  Penny also wrestles with the idea of would God want to stay in a very abusive marriage where her life is at risk.  I don't want to give away any more of the story.  But it is very powerful.

It was a hard book to read but well worth it.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Moving With Books

I starting to answer the question on the Booking Through Thursday blog.

Today's question books and moving.  Usually when I move I rarely ever get rid of books.  Most of the times the question is, does the place we are moving to have space for our books.  But half way through moving though I usually go ugh how many more boxes of books do I have left to move.  That's just mine both of my children have a lot of books also.  We mainly have a lot of non-fiction and for some reason a box of them seems heavier than a box of fiction books.  But in my opinion books are knowledge and knowledge is power. And you can't depend on that the Internet/google will always be there to answer your questions.  Besides sometimes you can't find the information that older books can give especially if the online information has been compromised.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


First Warning Controversial topic ahead and this is been in my mind for the last year and decided I will get it out. It is not about anyone one person.

Why the topic of attitudes?  Because, as a Christian woman I see so much of the high school look down at others or the gossip attitude among us so called sisters in the Lord.  I don't care if its Facebook or in real life.  We are to be sisters in the Lord not catty claws out attacking each other.  Yes they are areas we will not feel the same on who cares if it is not a salvation issue.
I know personally I do get treated sometimes like a leper  for one reason is because I wear skirts all the time.  I don't believe is is something for everyone it is a personal conviction of mine only, but it seems to rub other women the wrong way.  Different ideas on non-salvation issues should not separate us from fellowship with others. Even sometimes its as simple as you go to a different church than I do so I will look down upon you attitude.  If the church the other lady is going to does not teach heresy then they are also doing the Lord's work.   We need to stop this under the skin bickering and gossiping and destroying other women and be sisters in Christ.
Doesn't Titus 2:1-5 say " But as for you, speak the things which are proper for sound doctrine; that the older men be sober, reverent, temperate, sound in faith, in love,  in patience; the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanders, not given to much wine, teachers of good things - that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed"  Did you catch that we are blaspheming the word of God when we are not discreet, chaste or when we are slanders.  When we treat other sisters in the Lord with disgust (yes I have seen that) or bad attitudes then we are in the wrong not matter what you think of the other person.  We are to love others the scriptures say John 13:35 "By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another"  its means we are to have love for other believers.  So don't treat each other like trash. We are to be Christian woman that love each other not back biting women.  So please forgive any women (myself included) that have had this attitude and lets ask God for wisdom and to remember to love each other.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Duck Dynasty Fans

Okay to my duck dynasty fans out there.  Phil Robertson's book Happy, Happy, Happy is a must read.  He is very honest about everything always points to Christ as the reason he was saved..  I sometimes get annoyed by Christian biographies as they have a tendency to say look at me, look at me and not at Christ but not this one.  Phil is very open about the damage he had done in his life and how it was Christ that saved him and not himself.  My local fans that know me it is at our local library for non local fans please check your local library or if you can afford it buy it you won't be disappointed (for me to say that its rare!).

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Intro to my new blog

First of all if you want to complain about my grammar then please leave cause I admit it is my weakness in writing.  And I bounce between thoughts a lot also.
I have had a few blogs before this one even one in 1996 and I toyed with the idea prior to that of having my own BBS board (for us old nerds who remember those).  I plan on using this one to review books, talk about homeschooling, what the Lord is doing in my life and whatever else I decide to use it for.  The reason for the title is I have a tendency to put my foot in my mouth.  So know I probable will step on toes or break my own (which is funny since I did do that and I am in a boot right now cause of it).

I have 2 sons a teenager, a elementary school aged child (8 year age difference but that is what God planned for my husband and I) and a child in heaven (I lost one to a miscarriage I talk about it more now cause I realize it can help other women know that others have gone thru it also). I only home school my youngest and my oldest will be a Junior in High School this year.  I am a younger mom I had my oldest 3 days after I turned 19.  My husband and I have been married 13 years (Yes he is the dad to both of my sons).  

I am a very private person I never used to be but I got stalked when my oldest was a toddler so I became even more so.  I still do not know who did it.  But I am trying to get out of it so I can make more close friends as it is hard for to make friends but once I am close to someone its for life unless I make them way to mad with my honesty (my best friend and I have been friends for about 20 years and have lived apart from each other for about 18 of those years but we are still close).  My husband and I have known/been together for about 19 years this August.

I love the Lord Jesus Christ so I will be making posts about my faith so if that offends sorry but that's me you don't have to read it. I am not very politically long story but after seeing the background of congress in D.C. I left most politics behind (I am an independent I do not belong to any political party). But I am very Pro-Life so that political hot potato is another item that I will probably talk about also.  

So take me as I am or leave me does not matter but remember never expect a cookie cutter person with me. I have always swam upstream while others swim downstream.

So that's my intro for now.

Thoughts on my hubby

27 years ago was the summer before my senior year in high school and I went for a walk that would change my life forever.  I just wanted to ...