A blog about books and whatever else comes to my mind.
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Wonderful new book from Ken Ham
As you can see from the title "The New Answers Book 4" by Ken Ham is the newest in is Answers books series that answers questions about creation & evolution and the Bible. This book this book is published by Master Books, a division of New Leaf Publishing Group. It answers such questions Dragons were they real, Should there really be a battle between Science and the Bible, and How big is the universe. It does not just give pat answers to the questions it delves into the Bible, history, and science for the answers.It uses science and the bible to prove the answers to peoples questions.
Very very informative book. It has a lovely amount of very detail information even schematics detailing the possible design of the ark. One of my favorite questions that was answered was "Have people always been brilliant or were they originally dumb brutes?". I will admit it was over whelming at times on the information but that is a good thing. However it is still a wonderful book and I would recommend to anyone with question on Creation/Evolution.
I was given this book by Master Books Publishing Group for my honest review.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
The Elegant Solution by Paul Robertson
Book Summary
The Elegant Solution by Paul Robertson is a Christian historical suspense novel. It involves math, history, secrets of the Bernolli family and a suspicious death. It is from the view point of math prodigy Leonhard Euler who is being mentored by Johann Bernolli whose brother dies under unknown circumstances.
My thoughts
I usually don't take this long to read a book but this one I had a very hard time trying to read it and I am big historical suspense fan usually. This was a very detailed book and I really did enjoy that (especially with the math equations as I like math) but at times it was just over done. I sometimes got lost in the story not sure what was going on but that may have not been the author's fault as I have a lot going on in my life right now. It was a nice book that was finally not a Christian romance but was good clean and fun historical suspense story. If you like a lot of detail and like math and cerebral type books then this book is for you.
Disclosure: I received this book free from Bethany House Publishing. I was not required to write a positive review.
Friday, November 15, 2013
My Hope Is Found by Joanne Bischof
My Hope is Found is the 3rd in the book series The Cadencce of Grace by Joanne Bischof . You can read the first chapter here. It is about the relationship of Gideon O'Riley and his love Lonnie. He married Lonnie in one of the previous books but has found out that he is still married to his first wife from his past. Now she is looking to get past the hurt Gideon has brought onto her and he is wanting to annul his first marriage and get back with her.
I admit I just could not get into this book at all even to the point of I could only read it half and then read the ending just so I could know what happened at the end. For me at least it was one of those books that you need to read the whole series and our library did not have them. So, that made it very hard for me to get into this book I may have like it better if I had read the first 2 in the series. Also it is a heavy romance story which I am not a fan of. So for me this was not a good read.
Disclosure: I received this book free from WaterBrook Press. I was not required to write a positive review.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
"Real" by Jamie Snyder
Quick Summary
Real by Jamie Snyder is a good book about asking the question of are you Sunday only Christian or do you live the faith everyday. It dwells in many different subjects around our faith in Jesus from our joy, generosity, our love for others and more. At the end of each chapter is some questions that you can answer for discussion or more reflection and a prayer at the end of the chapter.
My thoughts
Now I have to admit at first I was not sure if I would enjoy this book but I really did. Mr. Snyder really asks and makes you think about are a Sunday Christian in other words if someone seen you outside of church on Sunday would they know that you are a Christian. I have to agree with the question cause sometimes it seems like our attitudes are lets hid up in our Churches and hide our faith the rest of the week. That is wrong when there are Christians in other countries that are dying just cause they are Christian and I mean dying not just oh they called you name. He wrote one thing that really stood out to me and I realized he so correct. He said, "Why is it that some of the same people who once ran hard and fast toward Jesus in the Gospels are now running equally hard and fast away from Jesus' church?" The prostitutes, the tax-collector, the people who society called low used to run to Jesus now if you say that you are a Christian they usually run from you as they figure they will be judged and not shown Jesus' love. We need to remember as church to love others not just hole ourselves up with others who act just like us. Will you show love to person not dressed like you, the homeless, the mentally ill, the smoker, who comes to your church or you see every day or will you ignore or look down on them? This book really reminded me to show Christ love to everyone especially the ones that are hard to love or society says they are hard to love. I recommend this book highly.
I received this book from BethanyHouse publishing for my honest review and was not required to give a positive review.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Christian Non-Salvation Issues
Warning I am not soft peddling my feelings on this subject of Christian non-salvation issues so if you are offended easily then stop reading. And I will not accept any nastiness in comments about non-salvation issues. Here is a light hearted spacer to enjoy if you don't want to read the rest of the post, the picture is of my shoes that my husband bought me, yep platform Converse.
Still reading well then you have been warned
Seriously people this time of year seems to bring out the nastiness in all sides on non-salvation issues. I don't know why it does. Here is some examples of non-salvation issues that I have seen lately that have had more debates on that need be. We should have an attitude on them of if thats your personal conviction fine as neither side is wrong.
Non-Salvation Issues (my belief after the example and if you feel opposite of me that's fine with me)
Home school or Public School (We do both, 1 home schooled and 1 public schooled)
Halloween or no Halloween (Nope not for us and we used to be big fans of it, except we do pass out candy with verses attached to them)
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays (Doesn't matter to me on which one is used, I know shocker but its not a salvation issue. Besides I get more mad about Christ being removed from some so called Christian churches than a holiday that is not in scripture.)
Vegan or meat eater (I am a meat eater I physically get sick without meat products in my diet regularly)
TV or No TV (we don't own a TV but watch some shows on-line)
Republican or Democrat (I am neither, I am an independent. I have seen some of the underbelly of the Government personally in DC when I was 17 and it cemented me as an independent.)
Dresses only or non dresses (I personally am skirts/dresses only and I don't believe every woman should be like me) 10/30/15 Update now I wear pants as my hip used to pop out a lot now it doesn't as much thanks to wearing pants.
Why do we allow these non-salvation issues to divide us as Christians? Or why do we get annoyed or snippy or nasty or uppity with others who believe differently on these non-salvation issues. I am sick of seeing followers of the Lord Jesus Christ arguing over non salvation issues while their Lord and Savior is being ignored or even replaced by other things by churches and people that say they are Christians. We are to be spreading the gospel and not fighting/arguing over non-salvation issues. I am just sick of seeing these things taking our eyes off of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
When did us Christians get such a thin skin about non-salvation issues and not get upset about salvation issues?
Rant over
Still reading well then you have been warned
Seriously people this time of year seems to bring out the nastiness in all sides on non-salvation issues. I don't know why it does. Here is some examples of non-salvation issues that I have seen lately that have had more debates on that need be. We should have an attitude on them of if thats your personal conviction fine as neither side is wrong.
Non-Salvation Issues (my belief after the example and if you feel opposite of me that's fine with me)
Home school or Public School (We do both, 1 home schooled and 1 public schooled)
Halloween or no Halloween (Nope not for us and we used to be big fans of it, except we do pass out candy with verses attached to them)
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays (Doesn't matter to me on which one is used, I know shocker but its not a salvation issue. Besides I get more mad about Christ being removed from some so called Christian churches than a holiday that is not in scripture.)
Vegan or meat eater (I am a meat eater I physically get sick without meat products in my diet regularly)
TV or No TV (we don't own a TV but watch some shows on-line)
Republican or Democrat (I am neither, I am an independent. I have seen some of the underbelly of the Government personally in DC when I was 17 and it cemented me as an independent.)
Dresses only or non dresses (I personally am skirts/dresses only and I don't believe every woman should be like me) 10/30/15 Update now I wear pants as my hip used to pop out a lot now it doesn't as much thanks to wearing pants.
Why do we allow these non-salvation issues to divide us as Christians? Or why do we get annoyed or snippy or nasty or uppity with others who believe differently on these non-salvation issues. I am sick of seeing followers of the Lord Jesus Christ arguing over non salvation issues while their Lord and Savior is being ignored or even replaced by other things by churches and people that say they are Christians. We are to be spreading the gospel and not fighting/arguing over non-salvation issues. I am just sick of seeing these things taking our eyes off of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
When did us Christians get such a thin skin about non-salvation issues and not get upset about salvation issues?
Rant over
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Take Time to Be Holy 365 Devotional from the writings of Samuel Logan Brengle
Take Time To Be Holy by Samuel Logan Brengle is a 365 daily inspirations that are meant to help bring you closer to God. Samuel Logan Brengle was a preacher and Salvation Army officer in the 1800's and early 1900's. It has a scripture verse on each page and then an excerpt from some of Mr. Brengle's writings below as the devotional.
This is a good devotional from what I have already read as I just received it a couple of days ago.It has already helped me think of my relationship with God. Another feature I like about this devotional is that it is a small book that I could easily fit into a purse if I wanted to take it with me. However there is one feature of it that did rub me the wrong way knowing the time frame that Mr. Brengle wrote his writings in the verses in my opinion should have been quoted from a Kings James Bible not any newer version. As he wrote using that version of the Bible and not any of the newer ones. To me that dropped it to a 3 star rating out of a 5 star rating for me. So if the use of modern Bible versions with Mr. Brengle's writing does not bother you then this would be a good devotional.
Tyndale House Publishers sent me a free copy of this book for my honest review.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Excellent Book Return To Me by Lynn Austin
Return To Me by Lynn Austin is her take on events that surround the books of Ezra and Nehemiah from the viewpoints of the exile Iddo, his grandson Zechariah, and a young girl named Yael. We start off in first with Daniel translating the message that God wrote on the wall of the party that King Belshazzar had. After that the story continues in Babylon then goes to some of the Jewish people deciding if they are going to leave Babylon to go back to Jerusalem. We see how different families that are around Iddo's decide if they are going to go back or stay in Babylon. We also see how the pagan religions of Babylon have affected peoples beliefs.
This was a very good book even with a side store that I knew from the start where it was going. Usually that ruins a book for me but not this time. I really enjoyed that she wrote about how being in Babylon did effect the Jewish people and how it influenced a lot of the people on their beliefs. Plus it showed he people will compromise once they get away from God's truth. I like how she also does not make the people look like superheroes and that they have their own faults. The scripture never shows people as superheros and this book didn't either. But remember this one author's view of events around biblical events do not take it as scripture. A very good book I highly recommend it, I even plan on down the road buying the not digital copy.
I was given this by via e-book for free from via NetGalley from Bethany House Publishing and was not required to submit a positive review.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Life is a crazy rollercoaster ride
First this post is probable going to be all over the place thought wise. Life is not easy for anyone rich or poor, American or not. We need to remember that before we judge anyone. I haven't wrote much on here except book reviews lately cause we have had a major change in our household. My MIL lives with us right now as her and my FIL have separated (family that are reading this for the first time please private message me about it not public). So we have rearranged our home and now I am trying to get back on a normal schedule with homeschooling. The boys are enjoying getting to know their dad's mom (my youngest until now only had seen her a handful times in his life and my oldest we lived near them until he was about 2 then they moved away). But it is interesting as our lifestyle is very different that what she was used to.
My walk with the Lord has been a struggle lately but I am getting back on the path. It has really helped that I lead a women's Bible study we just started the Book of John. Also I getting ready to start a bible study on my own with a workbook by Paul Washer if you have never listened to him you are missing out. The blog Women Living Well has been a blessing also. Like I said this post will be all over the place.
I have also been thinking about how blessed my family has been most don't realize how many times my family has been just days away from being homeless or that we have even lived way way below the poverty level. We are better off today than we ever been in the past but still struggling some days(its hard feeding a family with multiple food allergies and other diet issues on our income) and we still not very well off according to society thoughts even sometimes other Christian's idea of well off. For example our newest vehicle which is mine is 15 years old and my dh's truck is 28 years old both have their issues (his truck has to be parked a certain way otherwise it don't start it needs a part that is no longer made) but both are paid off. But we are stilled blessed by this we used to have $500 vehicles that we would bounce between or vehicles that leaked carbon monoxide into the car. No I am not saying yeah me but saying that God has blessed us many times and in many ways that we would not expect. Life is not always easy and we need to remember that when we see the mom angry at her child, the homeless person or family on the street corner or the park, or the person that is not wearing the latest style and is wearing stuff you know they have had for years (trust me I have had those looks as some of my clothes are about 7 years old at least). Please don't look down on them just realize you don't know what is going on in their life and pray for them. You also may not realize that God has worked with them more than you realize even though they are not at the standards you think they should be at.
Okay I think I am done for now please pray for my family as God works with us and shows us things that we need to change or is changing for us. With Christ we don't stay in our comfort zone very often. Life is good even if it is a roller coaster.
My walk with the Lord has been a struggle lately but I am getting back on the path. It has really helped that I lead a women's Bible study we just started the Book of John. Also I getting ready to start a bible study on my own with a workbook by Paul Washer if you have never listened to him you are missing out. The blog Women Living Well has been a blessing also. Like I said this post will be all over the place.
I have also been thinking about how blessed my family has been most don't realize how many times my family has been just days away from being homeless or that we have even lived way way below the poverty level. We are better off today than we ever been in the past but still struggling some days(its hard feeding a family with multiple food allergies and other diet issues on our income) and we still not very well off according to society thoughts even sometimes other Christian's idea of well off. For example our newest vehicle which is mine is 15 years old and my dh's truck is 28 years old both have their issues (his truck has to be parked a certain way otherwise it don't start it needs a part that is no longer made) but both are paid off. But we are stilled blessed by this we used to have $500 vehicles that we would bounce between or vehicles that leaked carbon monoxide into the car. No I am not saying yeah me but saying that God has blessed us many times and in many ways that we would not expect. Life is not always easy and we need to remember that when we see the mom angry at her child, the homeless person or family on the street corner or the park, or the person that is not wearing the latest style and is wearing stuff you know they have had for years (trust me I have had those looks as some of my clothes are about 7 years old at least). Please don't look down on them just realize you don't know what is going on in their life and pray for them. You also may not realize that God has worked with them more than you realize even though they are not at the standards you think they should be at.
Okay I think I am done for now please pray for my family as God works with us and shows us things that we need to change or is changing for us. With Christ we don't stay in our comfort zone very often. Life is good even if it is a roller coaster.
Friday, October 11, 2013
Powerful book about helping the down and out in our society.
Strangers At My Door by Jonathan Wilson-HargroverJonathan Wilson-Hartgrover is a very very powerful book about the man, his wife, and the people they have helped in their life. They have taken the bible verse from Matthew 25:35 "For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in" to heart and is doing exactly what it says. They did not care if the person was homeless, what race they were, if they had just gotten out of jail or disabled they helped them.
I have to admit I went into reading this book with skepticism but after reading it touched me and reminded of what Jesus tells us to do. We are to give the gospel to whoever is out there not just those who look good or are nice to us but to everyone. We are to even pray for our enemies. This wonderful couple has taken in the homeless, criminals, and anyone who comes to their door needing help even if people are worried about their lives. I really don't want to give away any of the stories they have told and they all do not turn out peaches and cream.
We need to remember as Christians that we are to help everyone no matter who they are. I know growing up in not so nice areas (yes I have lived in drug riddled areas and poverty areas) that sometimes not always the neighbors in the bad areas where more friendly and caring in those neighborhood than some of the nicer ones I have lived in. Sad but true I know of people who were burned by Christians cause they felt they were only helped cause it was on the "Christian's" check list of to live like "Christ" list not out of true love for a fellow human that Christ also died for. This book reminded me that no matter what a person does or who they are I am to love them. That means the druggie, prostitute, poverty stricken, the mentally ill, the criminals, and etc, it means everyone. This book is reminder to get out of our comfort zone. Yes, it convicted me I have been to comfortable lately in this area. Before you judge me and say oh you are just a privileged white woman, my family is mixed race (yes I know we don't look it but we are) and we have lived way below the poverty level and more than once been very close to being homeless. So please don't judge by looking at a person now you may not know where Christ has brought them from is working on them through right now.
I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review and was not required to give a good review. This book was a pre-publication copy it will be released in November I recommend it highly.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
A Bride For Keeps By Melissa Jagears
A Bride For Keeps by Melissa Jagears is a historical romance book about a poor farmer named Everett Cline who has tried a few times in the past to find a mail order bride and a young woman named Julia Lockwood who comes from a well to do family from Boston.
When will I learn not to choose books to review that are romance books. Anyway this book is not your standard man sees mail order bride its rough but fall in love right away type. Right away we find out that Everett has sent for 3 other mail order brides and has lost each one from death to another man marrying them. While Julia is running from an emotional abusive dad and a man that only wants to marry her for her dad's business connections. Everett did not send for Julia his friend Rachel has sent for you and he has no idea that she is coming for him. Everett is a sweet man who needs a wife to help him in the rural area of Kansas that he lives in but he has no interest in sending for a wife. While Julia is trying to get as far away from her father and his business associate as possible even if that means being the wife to a poor Kansas farmer. Everett is shocked that his friends send for him a new bride and even more shocked to see how beautiful and refined Julia. He thinks she is too good for him and is afraid of loosing such a nice and pretty woman. She is not sure what to think and wonders if he even cares for her. Throughout the book we find out both of their history and see how they slowly fall in love with each other. An accident Julia has brings them even closer to the point they fall in love. It is slow at first but it finally picked up after awhile. If you are into a Christian Historical Romance novels then this book is for you.
I received this book from BethanyHouse publishing for my honest review.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Rebellious Heart by Jody Hedlund
Rebellious Heart by Jody Hedlund is a Christian historical romance fiction. The story is about a young woman named Susanna Smith from a very well off family in 1763 and of Benjamin Ross poor rural farmer. The story takes place a the eve of the Revolutionary war. Susanna finds a woman in danger and it tests her faith in the English crown and her normal day to day life. While Benjamin who has feelings for her is helping her and working in the underground revolutionaries.
For me this was the worst type of historical romance fiction as it was way more romance than I like in any other historical fiction I have read. It does have adventure/mystery section however that section of the story can be a little on the rough side as it details murder and hints at rape. The first couple chapters were the worst for the romance for example talking about the sexually nature of Susanna's ankles and feet. The characters fell flat for me. So this not a book I recommend its just not my cup of tea.
I received this book from BethanyHouse publishing for my honest review.
Monday, September 30, 2013
The Miner's Lady by Tracie Peterson
The Miner's Lady by Tracie Peterson is actually the 3rd in the series called Land of Shining Water. However it is a series where you can read the any book in the series and not miss anything or get confused. This book is about a young woman named Chantel Panetta whose sister has fallen in love the youngest son of her families arch enemy family the Calarco's. They enemies from a past wrong and are both here in America as two hard working mining families. Chantel meets her sister's love interest's brother Dante and the sparks fly not just romance but in other ways.
This one was an ok book as I am not a romance reader but I was very impressed by the story of bravery and forgiveness. I was also impressed that it did not do the normal Romeo and Juliet thing with the death of the couple (I am so sick of that). We see how Christ moves in the heart of both families of forgiveness one quickly and one slowly. We also see the romance between the younger siblings of each family and the quick romance of Chantell and Dante. The point of this book that I like the least is the side story of a murderer in the community that is cheating people and killing those who disagree with him. I would have liked less of that side story and more from the view point of Dante's father. Still if you like clean historical romance type stories then I would recommend this one.
I was given this book by Bethany House for my honest review.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
What Once Was Lost by Kim Vogel Sawyer
What Once Was Lost by Kim Vogel Sawyer is a fiction novel that take place in Kansas in the late 1800's. It is about a young woman named Christina who has taken over a poor farm (this is how the poor were taken care of before the advent of the modern welfare system) from her father after his death. Its more became a home for orphans but a fire breaks out destroy the home. So the story revolves around what happens to the orphans especially a blind boy named Tommy, Christina, and her assistant named Cora. You can read the first chapter here. A good book on the sexism, hypocrisy of some so called Christians, how disabled were treated in that era, and yes even a little romance but not enough to turn you off of the book.
I was very impressed by this book I was expecting the normal over done Christian romance book. But that is not what I got. I really got into the story especially about the boy Tommy and his care taker Levi. Also I really enjoyed that the author did not hide the fact that not everyone who is high in society is doing something out of a truly good heart but actually is doing it for show. Christina has to fight the gossip in town, and even the attitudes of others toward her and her orphans especially Tommy. She learns how much she has to hold on to Christ and not her self in this. Yes there is a side story of her falling in love with Tommy's rough caretaker Levi.
I really enjoyed this book it. I really is a book of hope no matter what happens in life and how God can use what others/satan want for bad for good. I would recommend this book and I plan on reading more of this authors book she does not over do the romance and gives a very good story.
I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review and not required to give a positive review.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
The One Year Holy Land Moments Devotional
This is a very interesting and informative devotional for the entire year. It has a section wrote by a Jewish rabbi which gives you a very informative lesson on a section or verse in the old testament. Then at the bottom is gives you a lesson from a Christian scholar. It is done like that for six days and then on the seventh day it is a day of reflection of what you have learned over the last six days.
First thing that I really enjoyed in this devotion is that the days and just numbered and not dated so I can pick this up anytime of the year and start it. Second I have really enjoyed learning more Jewish history and traditions that went along with some parts of scripture. My only warning though is remember that this is not the Bible and that there information in here from the Talmud and we need to remember just because its old tradition does not mean its on the same level as the Bible. However I do recommend this devotional as a way to learn more of Jewish history and traditions.
Tyndale House Publishers sent me a free copy of this book for my honest review.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers
Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers is about a young woman named Angel a soiled dove in California's gold country in the 1850's. The term soiled dove, for those who are unfamiliar with the seedy side of history, is another name for prostitute. This book is supposed to be more modern take/version of the Hosea story but from the viewpoint of Angel the soiled dove. Angel is a young woman who has been abused in every way by people in her life until a man named Michael is told by God to marry her. This is her story of the battle of her learning to trust others and most importantly to trust God.
I admit there where parts of this story that where a little to detailed so its not one for a young girl. I did not think I would enjoy this book but the forgiveness shown is very powerful. However it does talk about some very touchy subjects such as child sex abuse (which caught me off guard as most try to gloss over that it happened even in the past), sex trafficking, and mental abuse. I have to admit it was a hard read because of those issues but it did make any of those issues seem great or positive which I have seen even in so called "Christian" novels. I would still recommend it however it may trigger bad memories for someone who has come out of that type of past so please read with caution.
Sometimes as Christian we forget not everyone who is a believer has come from a nice or easy life so we can't expect every book about someone becoming a believer to be that sweet nicety life. We need to remember Christ has come for all and not just those who have a goody goody type of past. Also we need to remember the bible is not exactly PG itself. This book really shows the struggle of someone that has been horribly treated by the world and see how God raises her up. Francine Rivers is a very talented author to be able to show us God's redeeming love no matter where a person comes from.
I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review and was not required to give a positive review.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Can laundry be a blessing?
I know a quick answer is yes of course it is, God provides us with clothing. But that's not what I was reflecting on today.
A little over 3 years ago, we almost lost our youngest (I know most of you know this but I bring it up a lot as reminder to people to never take for granted that your children will always be healthy and be with you until you die). Anyway back to laundry. See I never thought of laundry as a blessing just a never ending chore like dishes. However when you are at a children's hospital almost 4 hours away living in a hospital room with your child you want something from your normal routine. Our son was originally in ICU after being life-flighted from our home then was transferred to a regular room. Once they got his lungs stabilized (his right lung had started to collapse from undiagnosed severe asthma) we were able to leave his room as a couple without leaving his Aunt there with him (until then we made sure someone was always in his room with him). We still only left him for 15 minutes or 30 if we went downstairs to have a quick meal. Well one night we realized we must do laundry as we did not bring many clothes and could not afford to buy any. Turns out the hospital has a laundry room for parents that are staying with their children.
A hospital parent laundry room made life feel normal after watching our son being so sick. We could visit like we were just at a laundry mat except when another set parents would come in you would look at each other and just know by their eyes that they have the same mutual understanding about the stress going on in yours and their lives right now. The laundry room made us laugh which we had not been able to do much up until then. It made us laugh as one of the washer got so off balanced that it reminded us of our first washer which someone had to sit on to keep it balanced (our oldest learned to read on that washer as a small child I would set him on it and give him a book to look at while it ran so he taught himself to read). But as soon as we opened the door to the hallway we knew we were back at the hospital. So yes laundry is a blessing it brought a since of normalcy to us during a time of trial. Yes I still get annoyed by laundry and still can't stand putting away the clothes but I am thankful I can do it at my home now or at my local laundromat and not at a hospital. The Lord is good!
A little over 3 years ago, we almost lost our youngest (I know most of you know this but I bring it up a lot as reminder to people to never take for granted that your children will always be healthy and be with you until you die). Anyway back to laundry. See I never thought of laundry as a blessing just a never ending chore like dishes. However when you are at a children's hospital almost 4 hours away living in a hospital room with your child you want something from your normal routine. Our son was originally in ICU after being life-flighted from our home then was transferred to a regular room. Once they got his lungs stabilized (his right lung had started to collapse from undiagnosed severe asthma) we were able to leave his room as a couple without leaving his Aunt there with him (until then we made sure someone was always in his room with him). We still only left him for 15 minutes or 30 if we went downstairs to have a quick meal. Well one night we realized we must do laundry as we did not bring many clothes and could not afford to buy any. Turns out the hospital has a laundry room for parents that are staying with their children.
A hospital parent laundry room made life feel normal after watching our son being so sick. We could visit like we were just at a laundry mat except when another set parents would come in you would look at each other and just know by their eyes that they have the same mutual understanding about the stress going on in yours and their lives right now. The laundry room made us laugh which we had not been able to do much up until then. It made us laugh as one of the washer got so off balanced that it reminded us of our first washer which someone had to sit on to keep it balanced (our oldest learned to read on that washer as a small child I would set him on it and give him a book to look at while it ran so he taught himself to read). But as soon as we opened the door to the hallway we knew we were back at the hospital. So yes laundry is a blessing it brought a since of normalcy to us during a time of trial. Yes I still get annoyed by laundry and still can't stand putting away the clothes but I am thankful I can do it at my home now or at my local laundromat and not at a hospital. The Lord is good!
Booking Through Thursdays
I am answering the Thursday's question on Booking Through Thursdays. Today's question is below.
Do you have a preference between “person” in the books you read? Do you prefer third-person to first-person? Or don’t you care?
And … why??
I really don't have a preference. But if it is in a first-person style then it does not need to switch between different characters in first-person, because I get very confused when an author does that. Other than that I only care if the story moves along, does not drag, is not over done, that it does not have any sex scenes and very little cussing (yes I read books with some cussing if I am reading books from certain viewpoints or era's then I am going to expect some bad language but not a lot).
However if I am reading a biography written by the person its about I do expect it to be a first person otherwise I don't believe they wrote it.
Now friends do you have a preference?
Do you have a preference between “person” in the books you read? Do you prefer third-person to first-person? Or don’t you care?
And … why??
I really don't have a preference. But if it is in a first-person style then it does not need to switch between different characters in first-person, because I get very confused when an author does that. Other than that I only care if the story moves along, does not drag, is not over done, that it does not have any sex scenes and very little cussing (yes I read books with some cussing if I am reading books from certain viewpoints or era's then I am going to expect some bad language but not a lot).
However if I am reading a biography written by the person its about I do expect it to be a first person otherwise I don't believe they wrote it.
Now friends do you have a preference?
Friday, July 26, 2013
Wings Of Glass By Gina Holmes powerful book
Its starts with a woman Penny writing a story her and her husband Trent's story to her son so that he can understand his dad and not be like his father. She explains how they met and how he started to abuse here physically and mentally. She was very dependent on him until he was injured in an accident at work so she has to support the family. She then meets 2 women who help her gain strength in the Lord and make her question the abuse by her husband. Penny also wrestles with the idea of would God want to stay in a very abusive marriage where her life is at risk. I don't want to give away any more of the story. But it is very powerful.
It was a hard book to read but well worth it.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Moving With Books
I starting to answer the question on the Booking Through Thursday blog.
Today's question books and moving. Usually when I move I rarely ever get rid of books. Most of the times the question is, does the place we are moving to have space for our books. But half way through moving though I usually go ugh how many more boxes of books do I have left to move. That's just mine both of my children have a lot of books also. We mainly have a lot of non-fiction and for some reason a box of them seems heavier than a box of fiction books. But in my opinion books are knowledge and knowledge is power. And you can't depend on that the Internet/google will always be there to answer your questions. Besides sometimes you can't find the information that older books can give especially if the online information has been compromised.
Today's question books and moving. Usually when I move I rarely ever get rid of books. Most of the times the question is, does the place we are moving to have space for our books. But half way through moving though I usually go ugh how many more boxes of books do I have left to move. That's just mine both of my children have a lot of books also. We mainly have a lot of non-fiction and for some reason a box of them seems heavier than a box of fiction books. But in my opinion books are knowledge and knowledge is power. And you can't depend on that the Internet/google will always be there to answer your questions. Besides sometimes you can't find the information that older books can give especially if the online information has been compromised.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
First Warning Controversial topic ahead and this is been in my mind for the last year and decided I will get it out. It is not about anyone one person.
Why the topic of attitudes? Because, as a Christian woman I see so much of the high school look down at others or the gossip attitude among us so called sisters in the Lord. I don't care if its Facebook or in real life. We are to be sisters in the Lord not catty claws out attacking each other. Yes they are areas we will not feel the same on who cares if it is not a salvation issue.
I know personally I do get treated sometimes like a leper for one reason is because I wear skirts all the time. I don't believe is is something for everyone it is a personal conviction of mine only, but it seems to rub other women the wrong way. Different ideas on non-salvation issues should not separate us from fellowship with others. Even sometimes its as simple as you go to a different church than I do so I will look down upon you attitude. If the church the other lady is going to does not teach heresy then they are also doing the Lord's work. We need to stop this under the skin bickering and gossiping and destroying other women and be sisters in Christ.
Doesn't Titus 2:1-5 say " But as for you, speak the things which are proper for sound doctrine; that the older men be sober, reverent, temperate, sound in faith, in love, in patience; the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanders, not given to much wine, teachers of good things - that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed" Did you catch that we are blaspheming the word of God when we are not discreet, chaste or when we are slanders. When we treat other sisters in the Lord with disgust (yes I have seen that) or bad attitudes then we are in the wrong not matter what you think of the other person. We are to love others the scriptures say John 13:35 "By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another" its means we are to have love for other believers. So don't treat each other like trash. We are to be Christian woman that love each other not back biting women. So please forgive any women (myself included) that have had this attitude and lets ask God for wisdom and to remember to love each other.
Why the topic of attitudes? Because, as a Christian woman I see so much of the high school look down at others or the gossip attitude among us so called sisters in the Lord. I don't care if its Facebook or in real life. We are to be sisters in the Lord not catty claws out attacking each other. Yes they are areas we will not feel the same on who cares if it is not a salvation issue.
I know personally I do get treated sometimes like a leper for one reason is because I wear skirts all the time. I don't believe is is something for everyone it is a personal conviction of mine only, but it seems to rub other women the wrong way. Different ideas on non-salvation issues should not separate us from fellowship with others. Even sometimes its as simple as you go to a different church than I do so I will look down upon you attitude. If the church the other lady is going to does not teach heresy then they are also doing the Lord's work. We need to stop this under the skin bickering and gossiping and destroying other women and be sisters in Christ.
Doesn't Titus 2:1-5 say " But as for you, speak the things which are proper for sound doctrine; that the older men be sober, reverent, temperate, sound in faith, in love, in patience; the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanders, not given to much wine, teachers of good things - that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed" Did you catch that we are blaspheming the word of God when we are not discreet, chaste or when we are slanders. When we treat other sisters in the Lord with disgust (yes I have seen that) or bad attitudes then we are in the wrong not matter what you think of the other person. We are to love others the scriptures say John 13:35 "By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another" its means we are to have love for other believers. So don't treat each other like trash. We are to be Christian woman that love each other not back biting women. So please forgive any women (myself included) that have had this attitude and lets ask God for wisdom and to remember to love each other.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Duck Dynasty Fans
Okay to my duck dynasty fans out there. Phil Robertson's book Happy, Happy, Happy is a must read. He is very honest about everything always points to Christ as the reason he was saved.. I sometimes get annoyed by Christian biographies as they have a tendency to say look at me, look at me and not at Christ but not this one. Phil is very open about the damage he had done in his life and how it was Christ that saved him and not himself. My local fans that know me it is at our local library for non local fans please check your local library or if you can afford it buy it you won't be disappointed (for me to say that its rare!).
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Intro to my new blog
First of all if you want to complain about my grammar then please leave cause I admit it is my weakness in writing. And I bounce between thoughts a lot also.
I have had a few blogs before this one even one in 1996 and I toyed with the idea prior to that of having my own BBS board (for us old nerds who remember those). I plan on using this one to review books, talk about homeschooling, what the Lord is doing in my life and whatever else I decide to use it for. The reason for the title is I have a tendency to put my foot in my mouth. So know I probable will step on toes or break my own (which is funny since I did do that and I am in a boot right now cause of it).
I have 2 sons a teenager, a elementary school aged child (8 year age difference but that is what God planned for my husband and I) and a child in heaven (I lost one to a miscarriage I talk about it more now cause I realize it can help other women know that others have gone thru it also). I only home school my youngest and my oldest will be a Junior in High School this year. I am a younger mom I had my oldest 3 days after I turned 19. My husband and I have been married 13 years (Yes he is the dad to both of my sons).
I am a very private person I never used to be but I got stalked when my oldest was a toddler so I became even more so. I still do not know who did it. But I am trying to get out of it so I can make more close friends as it is hard for to make friends but once I am close to someone its for life unless I make them way to mad with my honesty (my best friend and I have been friends for about 20 years and have lived apart from each other for about 18 of those years but we are still close). My husband and I have known/been together for about 19 years this August.
I love the Lord Jesus Christ so I will be making posts about my faith so if that offends sorry but that's me you don't have to read it. I am not very politically long story but after seeing the background of congress in D.C. I left most politics behind (I am an independent I do not belong to any political party). But I am very Pro-Life so that political hot potato is another item that I will probably talk about also.
So take me as I am or leave me does not matter but remember never expect a cookie cutter person with me. I have always swam upstream while others swim downstream.
So that's my intro for now.
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Thoughts on my hubby
27 years ago was the summer before my senior year in high school and I went for a walk that would change my life forever. I just wanted to ...
Ok this is probable the most personal post I have ever written on this blog. After walking the color run this last weekend, I have realiz...
27 years ago was the summer before my senior year in high school and I went for a walk that would change my life forever. I just wanted to ...
"The Life Giving Home, Creating A Place of Belonging & Becoming" by Sally & Sarah Clarkson is about creating a peacef...
First of all if you want to complain about my grammar then please leave cause I admit it is my weakness in writing. And I bounce between th...